The ELF Press Office received the following communique September 01, 2002:

The Earth Liberation Front is claiming responsibility for the 8/11/02
arson attack on the United States Forest Service Northeast Research
Station in Irvine, Pennsylvania.

The laboratory was set ablaze during the early morning hours, causing
over $700,000 damage, and destroying part of 70 years worth of research.
This lesson in "prescribed fire" was a natural, necessary response to
the threats posed to life in the Allegheny Forest by proposed timber
sales, oil drilling, and greed driven manipulation of Nature.

This facility was strategically targeted, and if rebuilt, will be
targeted again for complete destruction. Furthermore, all other U.S.
Forest Service administration and research facilities, as well as all
DCNR buildings nationwide should now be considered likely targets.

These agencies continue to ignore and mislead the public, at the bidding
of their corporate masters, leaving us with no alternative to
underground direct action. Their blatant disregard for the sanctity of
life and its perfect Natural balance, indifference to strong public
opposition, and the irrevocable acts of extreme violence they perpetrate
against the Earth daily are all inexcusable, and will not be tolerated.
If they persist in their crimes against life, they will be met with
maximum retaliation.

In pursuance of justice, freedom, and equal consideration for all
innocent life across the board, segments of this global revolutionary
movement are no longer limiting their revolutionary potential by
adhering to a flawed, inconsistant "non-violent" ideology. While
innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it
is necessary, we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to implement
justice, and provide the needed protection for our planet that decades
of legal battles, pleading, protest, and economic sabotage have failed
so drastically to achieve.

The diverse efforts of this revolutionary force cannot be contained, and
will only continue to intensify as we are brought face to face with the
oppressor in inevitable, violent confrontation. We will stand up and
fight for our lives against this iniquitous civilization until its
reign of TERROR is forced to an end - by any means necessary.
In defense of all life,
-Pacific E.L.F.
Congratulations on a righteous action. (english)
profrv@(nospam) 6:11am Mon Sep 2 '02
Who cares who did it if the result is as claimed? Top job people,keep a low 
profile and use discreet methods and we can nickle and dime them to 
death.The quite outrageous sentence's dished out to some of our anarchistic 
friend demand the most stringent response.Mine is APster and all servants 
and duespayers of the State are warned that they may be targeted for 
capital punishment.Gagging me along with CJ and the man will not stop 
Operation soft drill.
A shadowy figure in an online terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters 
to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American 
"The United States has declared war," he said in a radio message to armed 
freedom fighters. "Our obligation is to fight them."
Instructions from a bin Laden deputy holed up in a cave somewhere? Maybe a 
radical Islamic band in Pakistan? Or extremists in the land of our "ally" 
Saudi Arabia?
None of the above. Wrong region.
The threat comes from our very own hemisphere, and was issued by professor 
"Leading the world to higher consciousness
through mockery and cheap publicity stunts."e

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