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quoted entirely from:

Captain Cyborg, aka Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University, is generally a 
harmless if somewhat tedious self-publicist whose risible 'experiments' pay his rent 
and provide the less critical elements of the press with a never-ending stream of 
stupid stories. But an exclusive in today's Daily Mirror
 serves to illustrate that such maniacs are not always harmless.

Following the recent abduction of ten year olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the 
Mirror reports that Wendy and Paul Duval have decided to implant their daughter, 
Danielle, with "a microchip to track her every move. "If she was kidnapped her exact 
location would be discovered via a computer."

And guess who developed the chip? That's right, "cybernetics expert Professor Kevin 
Warwick, 48." The Mirror does not directly attribute its explanation of the device to 
Captain Cyborg, but it is quite clear that some of the people involved - possibly the 
reporter, possibly the reporter and the Duval family - have somehow managed to get 
themselves seriously misled about the capabilities of the technology.

The chip "emits radio waves through a mobile phone network and beams its exact 
location to a computer. If Danielle went missing, her location would be marked by an X 
on a computer map.... It will be inserted in her arm by a GP using local anaesthetic. 
It costs about #20 and will be invisible."

Well then, how does that work? Warwick's experiments in chipping himself haven't gone 
as far as GPS, at least publicly, and any communications aspect to them has been 
decidedly short range. An "invisible" device that handles both GPS and mobile phone 
communications, and doesn't need its batteries changing every five seconds would 
however clearly make him a large fortune, if it existed.

Which manifestly it doesn't. As regards GPS, you can get an idea of the current state 
of the art as far as footprint goes by looking at this 
PDF<http://www.esconline.com/sf/press/pr46.pdf>, which describes the Trimble Lassen SQ 
GPS module, announced in March. Two penlight batteries can power it for more than 40 
hours, it is postage stamp-sized, and is "compatible with active 3.3 VDC antennas." So 
the small ones aren't invisible, they need two penlight batteries that you have to 
change every 40 hours, and they need an antenna.

So the "invisible" chip is not a GPS device, and must perforce communicate with a real 
GPS device secreted somewhere about your person. In that sense it would therefore seem 
to be well within the technical capabilities already demonstrated by Captain Cyborg, 
who habitually shoves things under his skin so he can open doors automatically and 
such, when lesser mortals would merely use a smartcard ID tag. If indeed this is the 
way the tag will operate, then Warwick is wandering into the dubious territory of 
VeriChip/Digital Angel, which has been punting cattle tags at the hard of thinking. 
That one's the size of the ball of a ballpoint, but it needs a scanner run over it to 
identify you, and can't tell where you are.

OK, but presuming the child protector chip can communicate with an external GPS 
device, where does that get you if you've been kidnapped? You can tell where you are, 
but how does the X get onto the computer screen? Mobile phone, obviously, but that 
needn't be another box, as it could be one with GPS built in, so there's still only 
one thing to keep hidden. We covered a system of this sort for hunting dogs a while 
back, and if you look 
you'll see the pawprint of that rig. The dogs of course don't have pockets to put it 
in, and no immediate need for concealment, but even so...

However even if you've got a concealed mobile phone with GPS, then what use is the 
tag? The phone rig does all this already, so for as long as you can hang onto the 
phone, you're trackable, and if you can't, you're not. After that the chip could help 
them identify you if they find you, and if for some reason you're not in a position to 
tell them yourself. Again, we're in VeriChip territory here, albeit a somewhat grimmer 
variant thereof.

So it's complete hokum, and under the circumstances pernicious. The Holly and Jessica 
case has generated much concern, and some hysteria in the UK, and stories such as the 
Mirror's serve only to fuel that hysteria by deluding parents into thinking that 
technology can somehow protect their children. And by pushing positive aspects of 
tagging, even years before it's actually feasible, they're softening public opinion up 
for the days when it can be widespread, and when its application can be more sinister.

And Warwick's role? As we said earlier, the technological 'explanation' is not 
attributed to him, but he's clearly encouraging it. He said: "The implant won't 
prevent abductions, nothing will. But if the worst happens, parents will at least be 
in with a chance of finding their children alive." No more chance, it seems to us, 
than if the implant had not been fitted. Warwick, as is his habit, slides seamlessly 
into some future where it is feasible: "Children may resent that their every movement 
is traceable. It's also possible some parents might abuse the system. But I'm 
confident this has to be the correct course of action in the light of recent, tragic 

So in the light of recent tragic events the correct course of action for parents has 
to be the fitting of a manifestly useless tagging device to their child. "The 
technology exists," says Warwick, "it's affordable and accessible." No it doesn't, no 
it's not. This is a publicity stunt well up to the usual mark, with the added extra of 
being in the worst possible taste. It marks the point where Captain Cyborg ceased to 
be comical, and started to look like something far worse.
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