>>The Internet is no different from cable, satellite, or United Parcel 
Service, he said. "Every other delivery system operates under ground rules, 
so why is the Internet to be exempt?" <<

With anarchism and encryption circling like vultures,Valenti does his john 
Wayne act once more...the difference with the net is its two way 
jack.Crypto anarchy is clearly looming up ahead like the mother of all 
icebergs.Expect a rash of horsemen movies.
Wonder if they'll approve Apster to hunt down pirates?
This rant not anti regulator to the point of killing them all just 
now...Canada's privacy commissioner has called for the outlawing of CCTV 
surveillance and au's Alan Fels ruled that its quite OK to crack regional 
The whole shemozzle is Clipper writ large,encryption is key,this time on an 
epic scale.With encryption...cryptoanarchy,collapse of govts,blacknet,all 
we ever dreamed

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