Anarchist 'Scavenger Hunt' Raises D.C. Police Ire
Sat Sep 21, 3:37 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An online "anarchist scavenger hunt" proposed for
next week's annual meeting of the International
Monetary Fund ( news - web sites) and World Bank ( news - web sites)
here has raised the ire of police, who fear demonstrators
could damage property and wreak havoc.

Break a McDonald's window, get 300 points. Puncture a Washington D.C.
police car tire to win 75
points. Score 400 points for a pie in the face of a corporate executive
or World Bank delegate.

D.C. Assistant Police Chief Terrance Gainer told a congressional hearing
on Friday that law authorities
were in talks to decide whether planned protests were, "so deleterious
to security efforts that we ought
to take proactive action."

Several thousand people are expected to demonstrate outside the IMF and
World Bank headquarters
next weekend.

The Anti-Capitalist Convergence, a D.C.-based anarchist group, is also
planning a day-long traffic
blockade, banner-drops and protests against major corporations in the
downtown core.

Chuck, the 37 year-old webmaster of the anarchist site
who declined to give his last name, told Reuters his
scavenger hunt was meant as a joke.

"People were asking for things to do when they come to D.C. We made the
list to get people thinking, so they don't do the boring, standard
stuff," he said. "I doubt people will actually keep track of what they
do for points."

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