On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 12:53:36PM -0700, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The chief barrier to use of outlook's email encryption, aside
> > from the fact that is broken, is the intolerable cost and
> > inconvenience of certificate management.
> Actually the chief barrier is psychological, people don't feel they should
> side with the criminals by using encryption. Certificate management is

    Um. No. Most people do no assocaite encryption with criminals.  
    There are 4 reasons people don't use encryption in email:

    0) "Encryption, that's that SLS thingy, right?" (Ignorance, stupidity)

    1) Why bother? I am not a *target*. (apathy) 

    2) It's too much hassle. (BAD tools) 

    3) 95% of the people *I* send email to wouldn't know what to do with
    a message in S/MIME, much less PGP. (AKA the Fax Effect).  

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