10-09) 22:35 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

FBI agents illegally videotaped suspects, intercepted e-mails without
court permission and recorded the wrong phone conversations during
sensitive terrorism and espionage investigations, according to an
internal memorandum detailing serious lapses inside the FBI more than a
year before the Sept. 11 attacks.

The blunders -- roughly 15 over the first three months of 2000_ were
never made public but garnered the attention of the "highest levels of
management" inside FBI, said the memo written by senior bureau lawyers
and obtained by The Associated Press.

Lawmakers reviewing FBI missteps preceding the terror attacks expressed
surprise Wednesday at the extent of errors detailed in the memo, which
focused on sensitive cases requiring warrants under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The mistakes extend beyond those criticized in a rare public decision
this summer by the secretive U.S. court that oversees the surveillance
warrants. That court admonished the FBI for providing inaccurate
information in warrant applications.

The April 2000 memo -- marked "immediate" and classified as "secret" --
describes different problems from those cited by the court. It describes
agents conducting unauthorized searches, writing warrants with wrong
addresses and allowing "overruns" of electronic surveillance operations
beyond their legal deadline.

"The level of incompetence here is egregious," said Rep. William D.
Delahunt, D-Mass., a member of the House Judiciary Committee who
obtained the memo from the FBI and provided it to AP.

Said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.: "Honest
mistakes happen in law enforcement, but the extent, variety and
seriousness of the violations recounted in this FBI memo show again that
the secret FISA process breeds sloppiness unless there's adequate

The FBI's deputy general counsel, whose office approves requests for
national security warrants, acknowledged Wednesday the mistakes led to
broad concern inside his agency long before Congress began investigating
whether the bureau missed signs of Sept. 11.

"There's always going to be mistakes," said M.E. "Spike" Bowman. "We
looked at those incidents very, very hard. We found no common thread. A
lot of it was inattention to detail."

These warrants are among the most powerful tools in the U.S.
antiterrorism arsenal, permitting secret searches and wiretaps for up to
one year without ever notifying the target of the investigation.

The court approved 1,012 such warrants in 2000.

Bowman said the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility investigated
the problems. No FBI agent lost his or her job as a result of the
internal inquiry, Bowman said, and the FBI has not had the same number
of mistakes since. It averages now about 10 mistakes a year in such
cases, he said.

The FBI also notified the U.S. court about the warrant problems, and the
response from judges was "a lot of head scratching over how this could
happen," Bowman said.

"It's important to understand that government doesn't abuse these secret
authorities we get," Bowman said. The FBI has never detected an agent
intentionally violating a special surveillance warrant, he added.

Lawmakers approved changes last year under the USA Patriot Act giving
new powers to use these special terrorism and espionage warrants. But
some lawmakers have since complained they were not adequately informed
of problems under the old rules.

"As the Justice Department pushes the Congress for more powers, we
should first be sure that these problems are being corrected and that
existing laws are being used responsibly," Leahy said.

Delahunt predicted Congress will press the Bush administration for
explanations about such mistakes before it is asked to extend new
surveillance powers from the Patriot Act set to expire in December 2005.

The memo cites examples in specific cases ordinarily kept from public

It describes the FBI eavesdropping on conversations long after the
subject of one surveillance gave up a cell phone and its number was
reassigned to an innocent person.

The new owner spoke a different language than the FBI's target, and an
interpreter notified investigators. FBI agents did nothing "for a
substantial period of time" and failed to report the problem to
headquarters, the memo says.

The memo, which was approved by then-FBI Deputy Director Thomas Pickard
and other senior officials, also describes agents in other cases
videotaping a meeting of suspects and intercepting e-mails without the
court's permission.

Bowman said that in one instance, FBI agents searched a storage locker
even though they did not have permission in the warrant; an earlier,
expired warrant had included permission to search the same locker. He
said that in other cases, telephone recording equipment was not shut off
at the time specified by the warrant.

Another memo from the same period, disclosed months ago under a Freedom
of Information Act lawsuit, described the FBI mistakenly intercepting
e-mails of innocent citizens during an investigation in Denver by its
Osama bin Laden Unit and International Terrorism Operations Section.

It indicated the FBI incorrectly used its "Carnivore" Internet
surveillance software, now called "DCS-1000," and captured too many
e-mails. That memo's author wrote to Bowman that describing an oversight
official at the Justice Department as unhappy about the incident "would
be an understatement of incredible proportions."

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