Please, if your site uses "bad" word search
software (i.e. below) or fascist black hole listings, subscribe
to the cpunks list through a different email account. is listed on a couple of the most
extreme "black hole" lists (because we are incorrectly
listed as being in a Verio netblock, and these black hole operators
list all of Verio in an attempt to force Verio customers to
go elsewhere).


Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 16:44:35 -0500 (CDT)   
Subject: Re: Intel Security processor + a question
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This is an automated response concerning the message:


Subject: Re: Intel Security processor + a question
Sent: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 14:33:15 -0700
Reference:  MSWPR2\BP

We apologize, but our automated e-mail scanner, which looks for key words in
+several categories of dangerous or inappropriate messages, blocked delivery of
+the above message.

This scanning is an automated process.  In our desire to provide a safe
+computing environment for our employees, we may have erred on the side of
+caution and blocked legitimate business e-mail.  If this is the case, we
+sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and would like an opportunity to
+resolve the problem quickly and to your satisfaction.  Please  forward this
+message to the Enterprise E-Mail Team at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+<mailto:postmaster@;> for immediate action.

If you are not a customer or business partner, we hope you can understand and
+respect these necessary security measures, and that our e-mail system is
+restricted to business messages only.  Thank you.

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