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Take one second to think about naked women.....
How 'bout the hottest girl you have ever seen...Picture her in your mind, now. Got it?

She's naked on the beach, with sweet-smelling coconut oil shining on her breasts like ripe, golden fruit. She's arching her naked back and slooooowly spreading her perfect, toned legs for you to see....imagine it.

Now, I don't know if you can see yourself there with her....bending down to kiss her on her lithe little stomach....she moans softly while you begin to spread more oil on her breasts and slide your hand down between her legs to feel her growing hotter and wetter that she's ever been before. She grabs you by the back of the neck and pulls you toward her, kissing you hard on the mouth and taking your

Whoa there, there buddy - Take your hand out of your pants!
This ain't about seducing you, it's about seducing women so you'll never have to shake hands with Mr. Happy again. OK?

I thought so.
Now, if it were as easy to make a woman horny as it is to make you horny, the earth would have collapsed under the weight of 50 billion people long ago. But what you just witnessed is the EFFECT that you can have on ALL WOMEN if you know how to say the right things, in the right order.

First of all,
when it comes to seducing women, forget what people tell you. Forget about those hokey pheremones, forget about dating guides, match-making services, hair plugs, sports cars, and FORGET about that little voice inside your head that trys to say that you can never get the women of your dreams just like our little honey on the beach back there.

This revolutionary NEW approach to women
will turn your lonely ass into a Seduction Machine - giving you the power to seduce any woman you choose. Once you develop this power, you will be able enjoy the love of many woman at the same time since they will all know the strange magic you posses and understand that YOU make the rules now.

Before I explain a little more about how it works,
here are some of the many ways you will benefit from
learning these techniques:

  • Pick only the hot ones!
  • Bed as many women as you want - almost as soon as you meet them
  • Never feel like you need to 'buy' a woman's affection
  • Always maintain the power in a relationship
  • Reserve expensive "dates" for women who you've already slept with
  • Live every man's dream! What more do you need?


Unless you've been in the Foreign Legion for a while, you've undoubtedly heard at least something about recent advances in hypnotic seduction techniques. First of all, however, we need to dispel any misconceptions you may have formed:

You cannot take advantage of a woman using these techniques
There is no mental abuse involved
You never have to worry about accusations of rape
You cannot "get caught" trying to recite canned speeches to her

Hypnotic seduction is simply about helping a woman experience intense feelings of pleasure just by talking to you. Once this is achieved, you incorporate the insanely powerful use of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) so she will feel an overwhelming urge to sleep with you RIGHT NOW.

Cool, huh?

But that's not all. Some of you may have heard enough about this stuff to form the opinion that these techniques won't work in every situation. WRONG! I will show you explicitly how to conduct yourself in every situation; be it bar, club, coffee shop, beach, office, party, bus-stop, store, sidewalk, etc. So you can create the opportunity to work your magic.

Look ...

Seduction begins with completely changing your attitude about women and the world in general. You will learn to attract them with your style, mannerisms and the way you treat them. When you speak, they will hang on every word and every word will steer them toward something sexual. Once you begin to absorb the philosophy, you won't have to think about how to react in a certain situation - you will simply be the man that she wants right now.

In effect you will become a Seduction Machine.

Once you have fully absorbed and practiced the extensive information, you will find yourself motivated by an unseen force - confidence - that propels you forward in your search for more beautiful, intelligent women to add to your list of lovers. Never again will you be baffled or shot down by a woman because you will simply say "I am a seduction machine" and move right on to a different technique (or better woman). Nothing will stop you.

Looks Don't Matter

Your looks, I mean. Of course you will have to look as good as possible, but that is simply to convey that fact that you are in control of yourself and your appearance. You don't have to look like Fabio or Tom Cruise because once a woman likes you, she will think you are the hottest guy on earth. SERIOUSLY! If you know what to say, it is very easy to get past a woman's concept of what she sees as her "type" of man. You will learn how to demonstrate that YOU are the only type for her. Then, when she tells her friends about how great you are, they will all be forced to question why that have been looking for mister right in the endless parade of souless Abercrombie monkeys with perfect teeth and a BMW that daddy bought them.


Besides laid like a drunk monkey, you will get a lot more stuff for a LOT LESS MONEY that those other seduction courses. You will get the comprehensive and easy to follow workbook, complete with step-by-step exercises to help you achieve perfect mastery in the art of seduction.You will also get my special CD set of hypnotic conversation with DETAILED demonstration of each technique described in the workbook. You ALSO get my secret confidence excercises designed to supercharge your magnetism and presence

The Seduction Machine guide includes tips on specific things you can do to change your appearance for maximum effect. Many, many exercises to help ease you out of the dead-end ways of thinking that have prevented you from having women like the sexy little beach bunny that we imagined in the beginning. You will also learn what sort of things to say to different women in every situation, learn how to bed virgins, married women, conservatives, catholics, strippers, younger women, older women - even LESBIANS or several lesbians at once. There is far too much material in the guide to explain here, but you can rest assured that it will change your life in a way that even winning the lottery can't help with.

Are you beginning to see the immense power this can give you?
You will learn many mind-shattering revelations such as:

Spending money is a stupid way to get sex
Compliments will get you nowhere
Exactly why hot women seem to prefer jerks
How to have multiple open sexual relationships
How to get young women no matter how old you are
How to get older, rich, bored (and WILD IN BED) trophy wives if you are a young guy
How to unleash the raging sexual beast inside every woman you meet.

Why are you still sitting there trying to decide?

This is what you have been waiting for. THIS is the operating manual for the female human organism. THIS is how Hugh Heffner manages to sleep with 12 eighteen-year-old sex kittens at one time. Hugh is a SEDUCTION MACHINE, and you will be one too when you order this guide. SWEET!

Only you have the power to make this happen, and you can make it happen right now!

Ok, here is my personal guarantee to you: If you put 90 days of honest practice into this course and do not experience a gigantic change in your life, then you are just gay or can't speak the native language. Nobody has ever asked for a refund, but I guess there is a first time for everything, and I would honor any such request.

Click on the link below to read more about this amazing product, check out some testimonials from previous customers, or place an order:

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