Advent of another technology wide deployment of which we must delay as
long as possible. In absence of rentable cryptographically anonymized
telepresence proxies it is provably impossible to completely hide all
unique fingerprints of a human, or even a complex mass-produced artifact.
Such a composite fingerprint will be impossible to fake and is impossible
to change without completely remaking the object of measurement. (Try
changing your body odor (MHC is genome-encoded and is the target of the
immunosystem), or rewire parts of CNS in control of your motorics).

While all current technologies are extremely limited in their capabilities
and have a high error rate this is not intrinsic to the principle. Such
systems can be eventually made to work sufficiently well for practice.

This is being made possible by further falling technology costs in regards
to mass fabbing, crunch and cheap ubiquitous wireless. Where's light, 
there's shadow.

Unfortunately, brinistas welcome this development because they idiotically
assume that the technology enables symmetrically, or even assymentrically
in favour of the governed vs. the government. Their arguments sound
superficially convincing to those unfamiliar with the political process
and the logics of power flow. This is the reason they're doing the wrong
thing for the right reasons. Supply the missing part of the argument
whenever you see Brinworld meme propagating.

Your best angle to delay this is to circulate this information widely, and
explain its potential impact to technologically naive. Write (personalized
dead tree, no electronic communication) to your political representatives.

No technical solution will work in absence of laws making it legal. Once
countermeasures are made illegal the development is basically
irreversible. Catch it before it's too late.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 01:36:42 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: Privacy villain of the week: DARPA's gait surveillance tech

See also:,1283,38775,00.html


Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 17:19:34 -0400
From: J Plummer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NCP: Privacy Villain of the Week: DARPA's HumanID at a Distance

Privacy Villain of the Week:
DARPA's HumanID at a Distance

The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency <> has 
been one of the more fruitful government agenies in the past, its DARPAnet 
computer network being the foundation for what would become the Internet 
some years later. That is why reading about what this outfit is up to now 
can at times be disheartening. One such project is the HumanID at a 
Distance program, which aims to move beyond face-recognition technology and 
purportedly identify people by the way the walk.

The idea here is that by measuring with video or (clothes-penetrating) 
radar the distance between, say, 17 different points on the body 
<> and measuring how these 
points move in relation to one another, a person can be positively and 
uniquely identified.

This "gait technology" by itself is neutral of course, just as technologies 
such as a gun or a needle or or the banging of flint against stone. The 
problem here arises in that by funding such research, the government is 
pushing a technology on society that it has not freely accepted through the 
voluntary choices made in the market. A patina of legitimacy is 
unfortunately added to such technologies when they have the imprimatur of 
the state behind them.
Even when the lead researchers on the project issue a press release 
<> with conflictuing 
estimations of accuracy ranging from .0001% to 95%.

These selfsame researchers go on to tout the tech for use "around federal 
buildings" and in airports (which have now had their security systems 
completely taken over by the federal government). The airport situation is 
particularly troubling, in that it would be installed after the new 
Transportation Security Agency has complete control of all US airports. 
Adding the full-body radar scans that are part of a gait-biometric system 
to their CAPPS database incorporating name, Social Security number, credit 
history, travel history, etc., is a small step. This would be another peice 
of information in a federal database left wide open to abuse by not only 
those with official and unofficial clearance but anyone who bribes or hacks 
their way in.

In addition, the potential for false positives seems to be overwhelming. 
Even if the number is closer to 95% than .001%, what happens when a heavy 
piece of luggage and lack of sleep slumps the shoulders enough to peg a 
weary traveler as a dangerous terrorist? Is he or she strip-searched and 
detained by armed federal employees while the plane to his mother's funeral 
leaves for the other coast? This kind of technological forcing, especially 
in situations controlled by the state, puts individuals in a position 
where, due to lack of adequate societal knowledge, individuals are unable 
to control the kind of information being disseminated about themselves.

Identification technology has its uses. But when government forces it on 
everyone, from a Social Security number onward, the long-term effects are 
net negative -- oversurveillance , undersecurity, identity theft, etc. 
DARPA scientists and their colleagues at places like Carnegie Mellon 
<> and Georgia Tech may be taking great strides 
forward -- but do they recignize where to, or why this may earn them the 
title of Privacy Villain of the Week?

The Privacy Villain of the Week and Privacy Hero of the Month are projects 
of the National Consumer Coalition's Privacy Group. Privacy Villain audio 
features now available from FCF News on Demand. <> 
For more information on the NCC Privacy Group, see or 
contact James Plummer at 202-467-5809 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] . 

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