"Most the ones I've seen are IPSEC over IPv4. You might be able to glean
some info from packet size, timing, and ordering, but not much. IPSEC
takes a plaintext IP packet and treats the whole thing as a data block
to be encrypted."

SO this would indicate that IPSEC creates a sort of blockage from seeing up to Layers 4/5/6. Now when you say it takes the IP packet, is this just the datagram or is it also he procotol bytes? (I'm assuming the layer-2 information remains intact.) If the protocol bytes are unencrypted, then there's a LOT that can probably be determined about any IP session. If the protocol bytes are encrypted, then this will ot be a very flexible session, no? (More of a secure pipe I guess.)

And then, does IPSEC include specification for MPLS? I would assume that the MPLS header information is not encrypted, simply because the headers have no global significance...

From: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: What email encryption is actually in use?
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 11:00:56 -0500

> ----------
> From: Tyler Durden[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:13 AM
> Subject: RE: What email encryption is actually in use?
> The ever-though-provoking Peter Trei wrote...
> "A great deal of highly sensitive internal
> email flows over these links, with the encryption totally transparent
> to the end-users."
> This is an interesting issue...how much information can be gleaned from
> encrypted "payloads"? Is it possible for a switch or whatever that has
> visibility up to layers 4/5/6 to determine (at least) what type of file is
> being sent? Can it determine at what layer encryption was performed?
> (These
> may be obvious to many of you, but I can only claim expertise in layers
> 0/1,
> and pieces of 2. Ok, I have a working knowledge of 3.) It may be possible
> for hardware that examines large numbers of communiques to pre-determine
> that much is of no interest.
Most the ones I've seen are IPSEC over IPv4. You might be able to glean
some info from packet size, timing, and ordering, but not much. IPSEC
takes a plaintext IP packet and treats the whole thing as a data block
to be encrypted.

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