Can Zac save the planet?
Profile of Zac Goldsmith, 'golden boy of British environmentalism and anti-capitalism' and 'son of the billionaire financier Sir James Goldsmith' ( Guardian )
See also this interview with Goldsmith from August, this Reuters article from last week, the FARM website, and the Ecologist website

Bunker-busters set to go nuclear
Article about the US Government's ongoing development of battlefield nuclear weapons ( New Scientist )
See also this Nuclear Watch factsheet (PDF) from July, and this FAS report from last year
6 November 2002 ]

AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory
Resolution from the world's largest general scientific organisation, urging US policymakers to oppose the teaching of "Intelligent Design Theory" (a pseudo-scientific version of creationism) in science classes
( AAAS )
See also this press release, and this article by Bill Berkowitz from last month

Greg Palast Exposes the Continued Suppression of Florida's Black Vote in Election 2002
Interview with investigative journalist Greg Palast - 'The issue is not Democrats versus Republicans, it is white officials suppressing the Black vote - a bi-partisan effort. Jim Crow is alive and jumping in America once again - but now taking on a sneaky form ... through manipulation of voting machines. The New Knight Riders don't have sheets, they have laptops and Harvard law degrees.' ( BuzzFlash )
See also this Independent article, and this blog entry from Friday
For more on electronic voting and electoral manipulation, see also this article by Lynn Landes from September, and Rebecca Mercuri's website

How the world sees Americans
Interview with journalist Mark Hertsgaard, who has written a book on perceptions of the US in the rest of the world - 'I was surprised that people were really able - and I heard this repeatedly - to distinguish between America and Americans. There's America in the sense of the official government and the military. That official face of America in the world is not very well liked. And then there's Americans - the people of the country, the ideals of the country, our popular culture. It was quite a sophisticated view, I thought, considering that they are very far away. Yes, America is in their face all the time, but the part of America that is in their face is that official part. They were able to still say, but you know, we love Americans and we love what you stand for. I heard that over and over again from all different walks of life and all different parts of the world' ( Salon )
See also this commentary by Hertsgaard from September.LINKS?

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