Yodel Bank: Anonymous Digital Cash

By Anonymous Hero, Section New Releases

Posted on Mon Nov 11th, 2002 at 04:18:03 AM GMT

Thanks to developments in anonymous communication, such as Freenet and
the invisible irc project, anonymous digital cash has become a reality.
Yodel Bank is offering 'yodels' as a form of currency you can exchange
with people who you've never met outside of anonymous means. For
example, you could pay for some web design or a hosting service
anonymously, play video poker with real anonymous money on iip, or make
a donation to a charity without disclosing who you are. Yodel Bank is
relatively new, but now that you can transfer money over IIP and
Freenet, a real vibrant anonymous economy is springing up, and it's
unclear how goverments will react to this 'private' banking. Also it
remains unclear if an Assassination Politics service will arise due to
these technologies.

The author of Yodel Bank can be reached on IIP under the name yodel on
#yodel. He claims to be fully anonymous to the world, and has purchased
the domain name and hosting by using his currency. He understands that
trust is something that takes time to develop in an anonymous bank. I
definately suggest you give his service a try.

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