Gary Jeffers writes:

>    The purpose of the coming Iraq war is to steal their oil. After we get 
> Iraq oil, which arab country is next? If U. State can get away with the
> theft of Iraq, then why not just keep on stealing?
>  The beneficiaries of this war are:
> 1. United State:
> 2. Corporations, connected.
> 3. The ruling elite families.
> 4. The Zionists.

Even if all this were true, so what?  All of the groups above would
do better things with the oil.  The represent the forces of enterprise,
initiative and enlightenment in the world today.  What is the alternative?
Iraq?  Saddam Hussein?  You think the world is a better place with
someone like him controlling Iraqi oil?

He's no better than any of the groups above.  He took power by force
and rules his country with an iron fist.  See the recent elections -
100% of the vote was supposedly for Hussein!  What a joke.

How can anyone claim that the U.S. or Israel or corporations or rich
Americans are morally worse than the likes of Hussein?

A 21st century where democratic, liberal Western democracies control the
world will be far more prosperous, safe and free than one where backwards,
repressive, religious ideologies like Islam dominate.

The mere fact that you feel free to criticize the U.S., but would never
go to Iraq and criticize Hussein just proves the point.  Sure, freedom
of speech is not absolute in the U.S., and the degree of protection has
fluctuated; during WWI people were sent to jail for criticizing the draft,
but we're nowhere near that point now.

But these freedoms are non-existant in Iraq, China, and other countries
which are the real threat to peace and freedom in the coming decades.
Look at which describes
a case in neighboring Iran where a respected academic was sentenced
to DEATH for saying that Muslims should not blindly obey the Imams.
These are the forces which are trying to assert their dominance over
the world as we move into this new century.  We either stand by and
let it happen, condemning future generations to lives of suffering,
poverty and ignorance, or we take steps to stop it, defending Western
culture and its ideals of freedom.

That's what's really at stake here.  We're fighting over which ideology
will control the world.  And yes, oil is a potent weapon in this struggle.
Leaving those vast oil resources in the hands of conservative Muslims
would be a huge mistake from the perspective of this decades-long war.

So let's agree with Gary Jeffers: Beat State!  But the state we must
beat is the state of religious persecution and dictatorship practiced by
Hussein.  If we hold all states to the same standard instead of heaping
criticism only on one, we will see that Iraq is far more deserving of
condemnation than most.  Their government deserves to be beaten, to be
destroyed.  It would be the finest gift we could give to the Iraqi people.

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