Christopher Hitchens...
Steven Schwartz...
>>>...Stephen Schwartz's most recent upchuck has been splattered all over the pages of Frontpagemag.com, the online magazine run by red diaper baby turned rightwing caricature David Horowitz. For those who don't know, Schwartz is an ex-Trotskyist-turned- neocon-turned-Muslim turned vehement anti-Muslim, fired from his position at the Voice of America for being a wacko. In a rambling polemic posted last Friday, Schwartz claims that events have vindicated his fulsome support for the Kosovo war, even as his Kosovar Albanian heroes ethnically cleanse the last Serbs from the former Yugoslav province. But the world just isn't ready for his perfect wisdom:
"Strangely, some of the same windbags and wiseacres who leapt to deny the existence of a serious crisis in Yugoslavia now wish to divert U.S. attention from Saudi reality and to halt U.S. pressure on Iraq."
Included among this number are Lawrence Eagleburger and Brent Scowcroft, whom Schwartz describes as members of "the Belgrade mafia" as if by talking to a foreign ruler, U.S. diplomats somehow acquire, by osmosis, the characteristics of their interlocutors. By this standard, the U.S. would maintain diplomatic relations with very few nations outside the West. But Schwartz is uninterested in such boring realities. His chief interest is in his rich fantasy life, much of which seems directed at trying to smear little old me:
"And of course, the 'Slobophile Heil' corner of the sewer, inhabited by lowlifes ranging from the Mickey Maoists of the International Action Center to neofascists a la Justin Raimondo, are still cheering for Slobo and Saddam alike. The most disreputable Jew-baiters among these repellent rodents have assailed David Horowitz, Ronald Radosh, and myself as ex-leftists who have supposedly become warmongers. But these parasites seem not to notice the logical disconnect: we were leftists decades ago, and have made up for our errors by fighting against dictatorships."
Instead of doing penance for his "errors,' Schwartz merely compounds them. After all these years, "ex-"-leftists like the former Comrade Sandalio are still screeching "fascist!" at their opponents, and making a spectacle out of themselves. Certainly the readers of Frontpage thought so without any prompting from me, I might add. With his leftist instinct for the victimological main chance, Schwartz whines that I'm "Jew-baiting" him but how does one "Jew-bait" a self-proclaimed Muslim? Or has the deluded fantasist who called himself "Suleyman Ahmad" undergone yet another miraculous conversion? What is it this time Scientology? The Unification Church? A sex-change operation?...<<<
James Donald...
'Contortions at first hand.'
Spanish lies.
Michael Costa...
>>>...NSW police minister insane,needs killing.
by profrv@(nospam)fuckmicrosoft.com 8:07am Sun Sep 29 '02
Michael Costa MLC is a self diagnosed and medicating manic depressive,he is
also an ex-trot asshole trying to close down melb indymedia and two other WTO
november sidney sites.
What made him snap? He may have engineered the whole drama himself in one of
his episodes.
Search for Costa's blues and nimbin for background or read this...
NSW Police Minister Michael Costa wants to shutdown several anti-wto websites
he claims are designed to aid the violent disruption of the forthcoming World
Trade Organisation meeting in Sydney in November.
The websites include Melbourne Indymedia, the melbourne no2wto network site and
the Sydney based nowto network site. [Read the press release]
and more at...
Posted at sydney,(that has been yanking posts about the Costa nostra.)
Subject: Case for Costa
The case for killing Costa may not have been made.Here are some websites to
assist you in your e-deliberations.
www.infoshop.org have just reorginized their anti-cop kiosk.
Lots of good stuff here...
The main article there now is headed..."We don't need the police."
I'll say.Over to the rights...
Great name,long overdue.(don't forget the justice files though,we need lock on
targets after all)
New URL found here,hope they never outlaw links,we'll all have to move to
freenet.New URL...
Another great name,I just found these sites so don't know how rad they are
yet,the names got me in,I swear officer.
Neil Horsley's 'nuremburg trials' site was a trailblazer,a NT site for enemies
of the people with names like Somoza and the Caucescues crossed out with the
names of creeps like Costa listed underneath would be nice don't you think?
Com'on you know more about setting up an offshore site at havenco than
anyone.Don't you?
Peace out.pr.
Comment to related article 2.
Law of diminishing returns?
by profrv@etc 8:29am Sun Sep 29 '02
It might be time to ramp up something new,something that even if it is'nt
practical still freaks them out.Something like 'assassination politics."
GWB in a body bag? "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
"Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST revolution on
earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments? James Dalton Bell."
Commuters face random sniffer dog searches
May 7 2002
NSW public transport users could be subject to sniffer dog searches under
sweeping new powers for the state's police that come into effect this weekend.
The new regulations will allow police with sniffer dogs to carry out random
drug searches on suspects using trains or buses on selected public
transport routes.
Searches also will be carried out at stations, on platforms or any other
stopping places under the plan.
Police Minister Michael Costa said the dogs will be used on train routes
out of Central and heading to Bondi, Campbelltown, Nowra, Sutherland,
Cronulla, Penrith, and Newcastle.
Random searches will be conducted at designated bus terminal and
interchanges, including Grafton, Kempsey, Albury and Goulburn.
''These are the routes police intelligence have indicated would best
utilise the drug dogs in a random fashion," Mr Costa told reporters today.
''Effectively, it would be the bulk of CityRail stations."
When asked whether the entire CityRail network was covered by the new
regulations, Mr Costa replied: ''At this stage".
2 words
cayenne pepper.
>>>....The NCA will cease to exist in December, when the ACC will take over its coercive hearing and telephone interception powers. Since a falling-out last year, Mr Howard has been keen to sideline the NCA.
The ACC will broadly take the form proposed unanimously by the states but rejected two weeks ago by the federal Government, with a charter to fight organised crime and the emerging threat of terrorism.
The deal was finalised yesterday, following Wednesday's meeting attended by three Howard advisers and two proxies for NSW Police Minister Michael Costa – academic Richard Basham and former detective Tim Priest.
Another Costa adviser, former NSW Police Internal Affairs commander Geoff Schuberg, is expected to become the ACC's director of operations.
The ACC will be chaired by Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty. Its hearings will be conducted by an official chosen from the ranks of senior criminal lawyers. Former Queensland crime commissioner Tim Carmody is considered a front-runner for the job.
Crucial to this week's deal was the federal Government's concession that the ACC will have its own in-house investigative capacity. It will not be just an intelligence assessment agency as originally proposed.
In return, the states have agreed to fund the secondment of police from their forces to the national body. For the past eight years, the commonwealth has footed the NCA's bill.
The states will formally approve the new commission at a meeting of police ministers in Sydney on Friday.
Neither federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison nor Mr Costa, who acted as negotiator on behalf of the states, would comment yesterday. Spokespeople for both ministers would only say discussions this week had been "productive".
Both levels of government have agreed to include ASIO director-general Dennis Richardson on the ACC's new board – involving the spy agency in domestic crime fighting for the first time.
The commonwealth also has agreed to give up a board spot that was to be taken by one of its agencies, meaning voting numbers are split evenly between the states and Canberra.
Final details about the ACC's budget and personnel were being finalised yesterday, but a plan suggested earlier this week to retain only half the NCA's investigators has been dropped.
Mr Basham's and Mr Priest's involvement in the deal comes eight months after they joined Mr Costa's inner circle – Mr Basham as an adviser in his office and Mr Priest initially as an adviser but now as an informal confidant who works out of the University of Sydney's criminology department.
Both had objected vigorously to some senior police management in the NSW force, particularly crime management in the western Sydney suburb of Cabramatta. In April the contract of a key target, then police commissioner Peter Ryan, was terminated.
The ACC will be chartered to attack organised crime in a more vigorous manner than its predecessor. Figures provided to the federal Government this week showed that the NCA last year achieved lesser results than the NSW and Queensland crime commissions.
Police minister is an ex-trot and is on medication for self diagnosed manic depresion,kinda reminds me of jamesd...
The very model of the modern major medicated police minister.<<<
AU spy agency gets domestic green light.

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