I am contemplating giving up APster agitation,Revolution and rebellion should be carnival of the oppressed, not the bingo hall for the mindlessly dull.Not they I will ever join an authoritarian bunch of Guerilla's either but...

Despite my attacks on the lunacy of marxist leninism,like Al Qaida,I support FARC,ELN and various others that are just getting on with it...until they create state power.
Kathmandu Post, 16 November 2002
Full story: click.
The Maoists rebels today owned responsibility for the killing of two security personnel working for the US Embassy in Kathmandu.

A statement issued on behalf of the Maoists which bore sign of Vijay, the Valley Area Bureau chief, said killing of Deepak Pokherel last week and Ramesh Manandhar few weeks ago were carried by Maoists on evidence that they were spying on the rebels.

The rebels, however, disowned any role in alleged bomb throwing incident in the residence of Dr. Keshar Jung Rayamajhi, Chairman of Raj Parishad Standing Committee on Wednesday morning and demanded a probe into it.

The clarification, however, comes with an unprecedented warning to diplomatic missions, general public, journalists and artists not to propagate against the people's war.

"Although our policy is not to attack our critics and political rivals, those acting against people's war under any cover would not be spared," said the statement. The US Embassy was specifically mentioned to understand this view.

The Maoists have also warned artist Santosh Panta, who is an honorary Subedar in the Royal Nepalese Army, for his alleged involvement in production and publicity of "anti-people's war" propaganda. They have asked Panta "to resign from Department of Military Intelligence (DMI) within 7 days".
Kathmandu Post, 16 November 2002
Full story: click.
Over 300 rebels killed in Jumla alone, claims government
From Navaraj Shahi in Jumla, Ishwori Neupane in Gorkha & Motilal Poudel in Surkhet

At least 60 security personnel - 37 in Jumla and 23 in Gorkha districts - as well as three civilians lost their lives in fierce encounter with the Maoists last night.

While encounter in Gorkhaâ??s Takukot was apparently unevenly matched as rebels far outnumbered the police, the government authorities claimed that as many as 300 rebels and ordinary people used as human shield by the Maoists might have died in the crossfire in Jumla. However, in a press statement, the Defence Ministry confirmed the deaths of 55 rebels.

In Gorkha, while 23 policemen died on the spot, eight more were seriously wounded.

Khalanga town, the district headquarters of Jumla, came under siege of the Maoists around 10 o'clock last night. The police as well as military personnel were locked up in a fierce encounter with well-armed Maoists, estimated to be around 4,000 in number.

The night vision helicopters which took off for additional support to the fighting force, however, could not land because of bad weather and poor visibility caused by thick smoke coming out of the buildings, mostly government offices which Maoists has set ablaze.

In the battle that follows, top civil administrator - Chief District Officer Damadar Pant along with two Deputy Superintendents of Police Shiva Narayan Mandal and Vijayaswor Ghimire - lost their lives while the district judge is missing.

The military, which ultimately repelled the Maoists in the morning almost after eight hours of battle, saw four soldiers dead with 14 others wounded. All the injured personnel were airlifted to Nepalgunj and Kathmandu for treatment on Friday morning.

They were able to recover few Self Loading Rifles along with seven 303 rifles, one shotgun and seven country-made guns from the fleeing rebels.

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Pradeep Shumsher JBR who was in Nepalgunj rushed to Khalanga for an on-the-spot assessment of the situation on Friday.

News bulletin from the Police Headquarters in Kathmandu confirmed the death of 33 policemen. Two employees of the National Investigation Department and a peon at the Land Revenue Office were the civilians who were killed in the crossfire.

Most of the rebels are suspected to have been killed after the night vision helicopters began aerial offensives against the rebels. A combined force of the security personnel has been mobilised to hunt down the rebels in and around the area.

The rebels surrounded the district headquarters of Khalnga and launched simultaneous attacks at security bases - an army barrack, Armed Police Force base, Regional Police Unit and District Police Office - from all sides, reported our reporter there, quoting security sources.

The rebels set ablaze the District Administration Office, District Police Office, Land Revenue Office, Jumla Airport Tower, a barrack of Armed Police Force, Regional Police Unit and local branch office of Rastriya Banijya Bank. The rebels also ransacked Rs. 2.1 million in cash and valuables worth Rs. 1.7 million from the bank.

Meanwhile, our Surkhet-based reporter, quoting Local Development Officer Hari Bashistha, who arrived in Surkhet by army helicopter, said that the rebels set ablaze almost all the government facilities besides taking six prisoners along with them after breaking into the district jail. He said that they also shot dead Prakash Shah, an employee deputed at the prison.END EXTRACT.

If you cant donate at least don't contribute to the monarchist puppet state.Trek somewhere else.Patagonia?
Choppers are playing havoc in South America against the forests as well as our friends.To boycott and fight the US might save your kids life,SEE...

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