November 19, 2002

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Dear Ralph:

Welcome to week six of the 21st Century Options Trading Course!

If you need to access a lesson or self-test from a prior week's course, 
simply click on the following link:

This will connect you immediately to our complete index of all lessons 
and tests, listed by week and title. Once you arrive at the index, you 
may access any desired lesson or test from a prior week's course by 
clicking on its title.

This week, we're covering basic trading strategies.

New classes include:

Long Call
Long calls are usually the first options that investors trade. They're
relatively easy to understand and can provide leverage while limiting
downside risk. In this module, get to know the long call and compare how it
functions within a variety of trading strategies.

Long Put
At its essence, the long put is opposite of the long call. But to the adept
trader, puts are not necessarily bearish. In this class, we'll show you a
variety of put strategies, including using puts to purchase stocks like a
limit order. We'll also explore the pitfalls of using puts as insurance.

Covered Calls
The covered call is often an investor's first exposure to options trading.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about this strategy, which
could lead to devastating losses.  This article may be the single-most
important piece of information you will ever read on options.

Straddles and Strangles
Straddles and strangles are popular strategies found in a lot of beginning
options courses because they are combination positions that are easy to
understand. When a seminar or book professes to show you how to "make money
in any market," these are the strategies they are often alluding to.

Strips and Straps
One of the most powerful things you can learn as a trader is how to combine
options to create unique profit and loss profiles that exactly meet your
needs. Strips and straps are two basic combinations that allow traders to
build their biases into the strategy.

Over the coming weeks, the 21st Century Education Center will cover
everything you need to know about the tools of options trading. We'll notify
you by email as new articles become available.

Your username and password for accessing the site are:

Username = rnemo
Password = z5c9j6

If you have questions about your enrollment, email:

We'll be with you every step of the way. If you have a question about a
class, ask the instructor. Just email:

Best regards,

James DiGeorgia, Publisher

PS. Watch these options strategies in action by following the experts at
21st Century Options. Your trial subscription is fully guaranteed.
To subscribe today, go to:

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