Governments will collapse,empires will fall,END of THE WORLD!
Chernin said. "Stealing content is destroying opportunities for digital entertainment...Business will be crippled."
News Corp. Chief Operating Officer Peter Chernin said it was time for the "looting epidemic" to end, citing losses from copyright infringement that he estimated were in the $8 billion range.
Chernin is one of the first media executives at Comdex to focus on file-trading, an issue that has caused considerable tension between entertainment and tech companies. Companies such as TiVo, Microsoft and other PC makers have tried to tout the capabilities of their devices without raising the ire of media companies. But media giants are hesitant to support the development of products such as DVD burners and digital video recorders, which can play, copy and distribute content.
File-sharing programs such as Napster, Kazaa and Morpheus have been a headache for music companies, and Chernin predicted that similar illicit copying would occur in the movie industry. At one point in his speech, he invited filmmaker George Lucas to "wave a little flag" and let people know that "there is no free lunch...Somebody somewhere is paying for it" when digital content is stolen. EXTRACT.
TANSTAAFL,yes,what starship stormtrooper here could argue with dat?
Its the free market right Mongo? Galts Gulch.
Anarcho-capitalism and any bums wot get in the way I drive over in my Explorer.
Wave your little libertarian flag Mong,for auld lang syne.

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