On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:00:57PM +0000, Steve Mynott wrote:
> On Monday, Nov 25, 2002, at 22:18 Europe/London, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >   I've also worked with self hypnosis quite a bit, and it's useful, 
> >but I'll
> >say again, anyone fairly adept at yogic meditation would not have much 
> >problem
> >with sensory or sleep deprevation torture techniques. Of course, 
> >beatings,
> >electric shock, burning, etc are a different story.
> But beatings are usually used as part of sleep deprivation torture and 
> it's often how the victim is kept awake.

   I believe the subject just previous in this thread was psychological torture,
not physical. 


> Looking at a page of "yogic meditation" advice it talks of sitting 
> comfortably and using breath control techniques.

   Better go look at some *real* yoga sites, or better yet, take a class and try
it yourself. "Sitting comfortably" -- you've got to be kidding, right? Yoga is
torture. Self inflicted for the most part, but if you're really doing it, it
hurts -- a lot. And if it doesn't hurt, you're not getting anywhere. 

> You  are hardly in an environment conductive to "yogic meditation" in 
> an uncomfortable stance and with loud noise played into your ears.
> Attempts to breath deeply and slowly and relax would be easily spotted 
> and probably punished.

   Again, you clearly don't know anything about it, so why are you trying to

> Even if it were possible (which I doubt) what's the point in even 
> mentioning it since most people tortured aren't are yoga experts anyway?

   All the more reason for people to enroll in yoga classes. Yoga is the best
thing you can do for yourself physically, far better than lifting weights, etc.
and the healthiest thing you can do mentally. So do yourself a favor and get
prepared. Wonderful way to pass time sitting in solitary confinement. Excellent
way to heal the body after those little sessio...er, accidents, as well.

Harmon Seaver   

"War is just a racket ... something that is not what it seems to the
majority of people. Only a small group knows what its about. It is
conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the
masses."  --- Major General Smedley Butler, 1933

"Our overriding purpose, from the beginning through to the present
day, has been world domination - that is, to build and maintain the
capacity to coerce everybody else on the planet: nonviolently, if
possible, and violently, if necessary. But the purpose of US foreign
policy of domination is not just to make the rest of the world jump
through hoops; the purpose is to faciliate our exploitation of
- Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General

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