Title: Jane's Land Forces News Briefs: 27 November 2002
27 November 2002

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Tackling stress in the military: army
Casualties of war. The increased pace and variety of operations since the Cold War have added to the stress level soldiers have to endure.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 26 November 2002]

Canada clamps down on stress
Canadian soldiers who served with the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry battle group in Afghanistan have been undergoing a 'decompression period' on the South Pacific island of Guam before returning home as a way to combat stress (Jane's Defence Weekly 10 July). It is one initiative the Canadian Forces (CF) have taken up since coming under fire earlier this year for not doing enough to help soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 26 November 2002]

USA weighs up two 120mm mortars for Objective Force
The US Army is considering two 120mm smoothbore turret-based mortar systems to meet the operational requirement for a Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) system for the Objective Force built around the Future Combat Systems (FCS).
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 22 November 2002]

Australia studies new rifle
Australia's Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) plans to have the technology demonstrator of an Advanced Individual Combat Weapon (AICW) ready for evaluation by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) around 2004.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 22 November 2002]

Surplus ITVs convert to OPFOR tanks
Surplus US Army M113-series vehicles (specifically the M901A1 Improved TOW Vehicle [ITV]) are to be modified to serve as Opposing Forces Surrogate Training System Main Battle Tank (OSTS-MBT) vehicles, under the terms of a US$12.7 million contract awarded to United Defense Industries, Inc.
[Jane’s Defence Upgrades – first posted to http://jdu.janes.com – 25 November 2002]

Falcon II turret prepares for firing trials
The first fully functional concept demonstrator of the AB9C5 Falcon II, a revolutionary fifth-generation battle tank armed with an externally mounted 120mm smoothbore gun, is due to begin firing trials in Jordan in early March. It is planned that this should be followed by a public unveiling at IDEX 2003, the principal Middle Eastern military showcase scheduled to be held in Abu Dhabi next March.
[Jane’s International Defense Review – first posted to http://idr.janes.com – 21 November 2002]

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