Like Carr,Costa and Bracks in my hometown...
12 animal rights activsts were indicted in Boston for speaking out against the slaughter of innocent animals inside of HLS during peaceul protests.
Boston Attorney General Seeks to Make Freedom of Speech a Crime
Activists and civil rights advocates nationwide are crying "fascism" at Boston Attorney General Tom Reilly and Assistant Attorney General Philip J. McGovern for procuring 43 indictments against 12 animal rights activists.

The indictments allege that threats and acts of attempted extortion were made during public protests against the insurance company Marsh Inc. in Boston. However, in over 7 months of protests, at which police and private security guards were present, no arrests have been made at any demonstration to date.

Now, more than 2 1/2 months since the last set of Marsh protests, the Attorney General is claiming crimes were committed at those same protests that continued for 7 months without incident.

"If these alleged 'crimes" were so felonious, in fact if the Attorney General has any case at all, why were there zero arrests, zero citations, and zero police confrontations when the police were standing 5 feet away from the protesters?" asks activist Steve Schure. "Clearly the police didn't feel the protesters actions were illegal, private security didn't feel they were illegal - in fact the grand jury didn't even feel the protesters were doing anything illegal for 2 1/2 months." [The prosecution reportedly requested more time to conduct its investigation, as numerous earlier grand jury hearings did not produce the desired result.]

The indictments do not even alleged any physical action - civil disobedience, vandalism, etc. - other than participation in public, vocal demonstrations, an action supposedly protected by the First Amendment of a Constitution the Attorney Generals are pledged to uphold and protect. Additionally, some of the indicted activists are believed never to have attended a protest against Marsh anywhere in the country; some of them are believed never to have attended a protest in Boston regarding any issue.

Rather, the indictments seem to underscore a pattern of repression and harassment activists have experienced in the Boston area. Marsh, in Boston and other cities, has also sued many of the indicted individuals, among them those rumored to have never protested in Boston or against Marsh. Some have been called for depositions in as many as 5 cities and grilled for up to 7 hours with extremely invasive questions, including family details and their whereabouts. Marsh has demanded activists produce an outrageous list of discovery materials, including 'any computer you've used in the past year.'

Some of the indicted activists have even had their apartment searched and trashed by "authorities" under the USA PATRIOT Act. Computers, TV's, documents and other items were confiscated. No receipt was left.

Schure goes on, "These indictments are clearly attempts by a frustrated corporate and political elite to scare activists into silence. Luckily, we are driven by injustice and will only fight harder as we come up against more of it. These charges are bogus, as will be shown in court. And the defendants will fight back with every offensive and defensive legal means possible, despite the Attorney General's championing the fight obliterating American civil liberties. In the end, the indicted individuals will be shown to uphold the law and civil rights - by exercising them - ten times over the Attorney General."

Marsh is the insurance broker for Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), a product-testing laboratory with a long history of animal brutality, and unsafe and inaccurate testing. The protests were part of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign, an international effort to close HLS that has decimated the company's value by over 90% since it began in 1999.

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