Arse Brackwards.
by P & I Youth Inc. 10:28am Sat Nov 30 '02 article#37550

Pull down your bracks and bend over,steves got another errection.
Operation Goat Fuck is underway even as we spew.

Carr's Curr,Ol Batonhead,the liars liar is also a failure,See...

Legal group pans flora and fauna law
November 28 2002
By Melissa Fyfe
Environment Reporter
A law introduced 14 years ago to protect Victoria's plants and animals has been a failure, according to a review by a legal lobby group.

The review of the history of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act by Lawyers for Forests found the legislation was unenforceable and rarely used.

The act requires action plans for its listed species, communities and threatening processes. But less than a quarter of these have been completed. It also provides for interim orders to protect critical habitats, but the review found none had been made.

The Lawyers for Forests review found there was an apparent lack of political will to use the law and little scope for the public to use it to save species. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment did not have the resources to monitor threatened species listed under the act, the review found.

"While the FFG Act contains a number of useful procedures and instruments, it lacks substance and mandatory obligations," it concluded.
In its analysis, Lawyers for Forests focused on four of the state's threatened species or communities: cool-temperate rainforest in the Otway Ranges and East Gippsland, tiger quolls, Leadbeater's possum and the powerful owl.

It found it was difficult to protect these species from the effects of logging because it was effectively exempt from the act.

The lawyers said the defects in the law meant there was "excessive risk" of endangered species becoming extinct, confusion in the community and confrontation between loggers and conservationists.

Liar caught lying...

Logging continued in the Wombat State Forest during the election campaign, contrary to a State Government directive.

In late October, the government ordered a one-month logging ban in the politically sensitive forest, which neighbours several marginal seats.

But yesterday, when protesters locked themselves to a logging truck, the government discovered loggers had been in the forest throughout November.

Logging contractor Alan Thow said his team had been in the forest "the whole time". "We have been working the whole election campaign," he said. "The department decided to let us finish our coupe off."

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