Brief Hirstory of Czeck Anarchism...
Speakin' of hirstory,can you imagine the Pilgrims coming to America today? Good luck getting that big belt buckle through security.
The federal authorities announced they have now cracked the nation's largest case of identity theft, involving the credit history of over 30,000 victims. They said it would have been a lot more victims but thankfully, the Bush economic plan wiped out most people's savings already.
Actually, what first got authorities suspicious is that the clothes were being charged to Winona Ryder's credit card.
The folks at Enron announced they're going to be selling off a fleet of cars and SUV's used by Enron executives. And we thought Enron was sleazy before, now they're used car salesmen too.
I'm reminded of Abbie Hoffman when anarchists hurl teddybears at the cops, like they did in Ottawa. I'm reminded of Abbie Hoffman when a schoolgirl slaps the Prince of Wales with a flower, as happened in Latvia. I am reminded of Abbie Hoffman when Palestinian artists put a replica Statue of Liberty on top of Arafat's Ramallah headquarters, destroyed courtesy US tax dollars -- or better yet, when an antiglobalist decapitates Thatcher's statue with a cricket bat in a London art museum. I'm reminded of Abbie Hoffman when the National Bolsheviks throw tomatoes at the chief of NATO, as happened in Prague. I'm reminded of Abbie Hoffman when some troublemakers in Victoria turn Buy Nothing Day into Steal Something Day -- ah, that sort of hands-on activism is classic Abbie (which shows the materialist roots of his intuitive socialism). I am reminded of Abbie Hoffman each and every time I see some unhinged (anti-)hero risk her or his (often privileged) neck to act out against all the TOTAL BULLSHIT the capitalist war monarchy (aka the 'Pig Nation') has the audacity to do in the name of freedom [snort] and democracy [honk]. Revolution for the hell of it,yeah!
Honor Abbie and rip off a capitalist today!
Face Off.
Face transplants will be surgically possible within the next six to nine months, but a leading plastic surgeon in the United Kingdom is calling for an ethical and moral debate before anyone undergoes the procedure.
Peter Butler, a consultant plastic surgeon at London's Royal Free Hospital, said the surgery could benefit people who've been seriously disfigured by cancer, burns, or accidents. But, he added, the issue is not merely, "'Can we do it?' but 'Should we do it?'"
The British Association of Plastic Surgeons will discuss the microsurgical procedure at its next meeting.
Finding donors tricky
Butler said he plans to complete his research before asking permission to carry out a face transplant at his hospital.
But surgeons could have trouble finding enough willing donors. Butler said his survey of doctors, nurses and members of the public showed most would accept a face transplant but few were willing to donate their own after dying.
Resembling the donor
Butler said one of the possible techniques would see an envelope of fat, skin and blood vessels transplanted onto existing bone, leaving patients with many of their own features.
But another more complex procedure would transplant underlying bone as well, so the patient would end up resembling the donor.
A policeman,Nic Conte has volunteered to have the face of a criminal terrorist swapped with his so as to find out more about an alleged bomb plot.

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