Vile, vampire like creatures in Greek mythology, usually members of the wicked hordes in attendance to the mysterious goddess of magic Hecate. They served with the mormos and were described as demons who could assume from time to time the guise of flesh and blood. The most famous account of their activities were recorded by Philostratus in his Life of Apollonius of Tyana. It told of the handsome youth Menippus, who was enticed by an empusa disguised as a Phoienician woman. Confronted by Apollonius, the empusa revealed itself and admitted to fattening up Menippus so that she might devour him. The empusas were also mentioned by Aristophanes.


As to thialo Fila mou to kolo Vlaca,Malacca,malaka wanker gamisou
Ay gamisou,To mounee tis manas sou,Mounee,Skila,Tha sou skiso to mouni
Salta gamisou,Mouni,Kolos.(more greek mythology.)

Michael Coyle and Joel Fitzgibbon both bitten by the rabid vampire batwomen.It said once in its (still) maiden speech."...This breed is, among other things, valued for its marbled meat quality..."
"...One of those fights, which for me began in my time at Melbourne University, is the fight for freedom of and freedom from association. Whether they be student unions or trade unions, they must earn the subscription of each and every member and not arrogantly disregard the need to prove their worth. The issue here is not the merits or otherwise of the organisation but whether a person's freedom of choice is a right or an optional extra. I look forward to continuing the pursuit of individual freedom as a member of this House..."

On the war she wants to bite Saddam!

Some Liberal MPs scorned a letter, which warned against participation in a United States-led strike, with Victorian Liberal Sophie Panopolous attacking one of its signatories, former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser. She accused him of being a "spoiler" who had nothing but criticism for the Government.
Published in newspapers yesterday, the letter was also signed by former prime ministers Bob Hawke and Gough Whitlam, former governor-general and Labor foreign minister Bill Hayden, and former Liberal opposition leader John Hewson.

She knows a spoiler when she see's one,like AMANDA VANSTONE.

Former minister Bronwyn Bishop and Victorian MP Sophie Panopolous have argued that ratification would corrode Australia's judicial independence.

Dan Howard, Sydney, June 14.
Bronwyn Bishop and Sophie Panopolous are arguing against Australia's participation in the International Criminal Court on the basis that it is a threat to our sovereignty.
These are the same people who continue to support a foreigner as our head of state

- Sophie Panopolous - the excreble anti-Republic campaigner who ran big on the "don't trust a pollie" ticket last year. Now she is one and we won't. Sophie Panopolous,She previously worked as a ministerial adviser and research officer to State and Federal Liberal governments. The 31 year-old is an executive member of her local Liberal Party branch and a former national president of the conservative Australian Liberal Students' Federation...disappointed at not meeting Prince Philip. 'The Royal Sadist.'


Rebuilding,so try...




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