Today’s the first day of Hanukkah. If you don’t know, Hanukkah is the holiday which celebrates the miracle of one day’s worth of oil lasting eight days. As opposed to an SUV where eight days’ worth of oil lasts maybe one day.
"Consumer Reports” came out with their list of the most dangerous toys today. Right near the top of the list – the Hampton Karaoke Machine. After about ten minutes of using it, the other people in the room pick it up and smash you over the head with it.
Or,they throw you out of the mall,'The greatest bomb in the world.'
I tell you besides being sick of eating too much, this is the busiest shopping day of the year. I was down at Macy’s and it was crowded, I got pushed, shoved, I was groped – hell I’m going back tomorrow!
The President of South Africa is taking golf lessons so that he can golf with President Bush when they meet. This is true. He’s taking golf lessons so he can golf with President Bush. And also the President of South Africa is also hitting himself with a brick so that he can play Scrabble with President Bush.
U.N. weapons inspectors today got their first peak into one of Saddam’s presidential palaces. What did they find – they found Hootie and The Blowfish recording a second album.
We have over 450 members of the Armed Forces with us tonight. What are you guys doing here? Have we caught bin Laden?
favorite barbecue recipes
Bobby Seale, cofounder with Huey Newton in 1966 of the Black Panther Party, was one of the original eight defendants in the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. Seale complained bitterly that he had been denied a right to the lawyer of his choice (Seale's attorney was hospitalized for surgery and Judge Hoffman refused his request for a continuance) and the right to represent himself. After several angry outbursts, Judge Hoffman ordered Seale bound and gagged. Finally, on November 5, 1969, the judge severed Seale's case from that of the other defendants.
Seale had been in Chicago for only forty-eight hours during Convention week and had participated in none of the advance planning. He came only as a last-minute fill-in for fellow Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, who was forced to cancel his planned speaking engagement. Seale was most likely added as a defendant in the conspiracy case so that the government could use Seale's highly inflammatory speeches to taint the other conspirators in the eyes of the jury. Seale's speech in Grant Park included language such as, "If the police get in the way of our march, tangle with the blue-helmeted motherfuckers and kill them and send them to the morgue slab."

Seale was born in Texas, the son of a carpenter. Prior to his involvement in radical black politics, Seale worked a a jazz drummer, a sheet-metal mechanic, and as a comedian.
Seale now has his own Web page in which he describes himself as "the old cripple-footed revolutionary humanist." The Web page, entitled "From the the Future!," is about "getting to the future via the whole synthesis of the quantum, computer and DNA molecular revolutions, and within the cyberspace non-linear range." Visitors to Seale's Web site can also purchase books and videos or download some of Seale's favorite barbecue recipes.
Barbeque Bill Of Rights
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