Roma Face Deportation from Germany, Persecution in former Yugoslovia
Having escaped the wars which ravaged the former Yugoslavia by seeking safe haven in Germany, Roma now face deportation and return to ethnic persecution in Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav states. Roma people are not facing the deportations silently or alone:
"Here in Germany, Roma fight for their right to stay with demonstrations and other protest actions. Since April this year about 500 refugees are on a continuing protest in Nordrhein-Westfalen: after a caravan through a variety of German towns they are living since July in a protest camp in the capital of the state, D?orf. From the 18 th to the 20 th of November, 40 Roma from Berlin occupied the central office of the 'Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus' (PDS), the coalition partner of the Berlin Government" Roma Statement, Deutsch | English | Francais
Another group occupied party offices of the Green Party (German Federal Government partner) in Duesseldorf on Nov 27th and were evicted by police, supporters were beaten. Support the International Campaign for a Right to Stay: Castellano | English | Deutsch
[Ongoing Coverage at IMC Germany]
A year or so ago the first Ghetto wall since 1945 went up in Checko to enforce a curfew on Romanies.

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