On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Quite a statement.Obviously too much here to discuss in any detail, but I
> would say this may be over-pessimistic. A trip out to Elmhurst Queens may be
> very eye-opening. Elmhurst has over 120 languages and 150 nations
> represented. It's a chaotic, dirty mess but it's also a hell of alot of
> fun...authentic cheap foods of the various immigrant groups are available
> (with few or no Americans in sight).
> But the point is, there's so much diversity, and everyone is pretty much
> focused on grabbing some chunk of the perceived American dream, there's
> never a chance for any real ethnic strife to get going. Muslims live next to
> Christians, Hindus, Jews and distinctly "other", and there's no problem at

Your example proves my point. They (and you) are still thinking of
themselves as Muslim, Christian, Hindu, etc.

Now ask yourself, how deeply do they 'get along' if they are still staying
so seperated? Simply because two cultures occupy the same space doesn't
mean they are one culture.


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