Qucom Pty Ltd is a company incorporated to commercialise the IP arising from the quantum computing research effort centred at UNSW. This work aims to develop computing technology at the atomic level through the creation of few-qubit devices in silicon. The technology has the potential to revolutionise computing particularly in relation to complex modeling and analysis, and is attracting attention world-wide. Unisearch works closely with a large and diverse research team, identifying and protecting IP, and developing a robust strategy to promote and exploit the IP commercially. A complex set of research and commercialisation relationships is being managed, with partners in the US and Europe, and spanning research institutes, government sector bodies, and major corporations. For further information please contact Richard Sharp.
The Centre for Quantum Computer Technology is an Australian multi-university collaboration undertaking research on the fundamental physics and technology of building, at the atomic level, a solid state quantum computer in silicon together with other high potential implementations. The objective is underpinned by a vigorous semiconductor research program that includes a sophisticated quantum measurement capability at ultra-low temperatures.
Established in January 2000 through funds from the Australian Research Council and participating institutions, the Centre has nodes at the University of New South Wales, University of Queensland and University of Melbourne, and maintains an important collaboration on this project with Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States. The Centre encompasses major research infrastructure at each of the three nodes, including an extensive semiconductor nanofabrication facility, crystal growth, ion implantation, surface analysis, laser physics, high magnetic fields/low temperatures, and has substantial theoretical support.

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