On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, David Howe wrote:

> I think what I am trying to say is  -  given a "normal" internet user
> using IPv4 software that wants to connect to someone "in the cloud", how
> does he identify *to his software* the machine in the cloud if that
> machine is not given a unique IP address? few if any IPv4 packages can
> address anything more complex than a IPv4 dotted quad (or if given a DNS
> name, will resolve same to a dotted quad)

You don't. What you'll need is an extension to the current software, which
is woefully inadequate for distributed/cloud/grid processing. It was never
designed to do this sort of stuff.

Plan 9 solves all these, plus you get to keep your IPv4 and IPv6 (not that
it's of any real use in that environment).


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