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Posted: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:04 AEDT
Australian officers injured in Dili riots
Two officers from the Australian Federal Police were injured during riots in Dili yesterday.
Prime Minister John Howard has told Parliament the two sustained minor injuries, with one requiring medical treatment when the United Nations' police compound in Dili was stormed.
Mr Howard says no other Australians were injured.
He says the situation in Dili is calmer than yesterday but remains tense.
"Our embassy advised Australians registered with the embassy to remain indoors," he said.
"Australians in the affected areas were evacuated and we are continuing to monitor this situation very closely and the welfare of Australians in Dili is our top priority."
Winds whip up fires around Sydney
Weather conditions around Sydney are deteriorating with winds picking up and fanning fires placing dozens of homes under threat. The problems are expected to worsen in the next couple of hours.
Senior Vanuatu police officers guilty of mutiny
The Supreme Court in Vanuatu has found four of the country's most senior police and military officers guilty of mutiny, kidnapping and false arrest.
AFP police were filmed there shitstirring between army and police...this is a disgrace,that's our job.
Survey shows anti-Americanism growing
A major new survey of global public opinion has found that anti-Americanism is on the rise. But it also discovered that the majority of people in most countries think the spread of American science and technology is beneficial.
Beautiful software but your pron isn't what it was.
Agent had emotional woes, spy trial hears
The trial of a former Australian intelligence analyst charged with espionage has heard he sought solace from his emotional problems at a Canberra brothel a few days before he passed on top-secret information.
Civil libertarians attack ASIO bill
Civil libertarians have slammed the Federal Government's proposed ASIO bill labelling it a drastic incursion on basic rights. The Commonwealth wants to give the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation greater counter terrorism powers, allowing it to detain people for up to seven days without legal representation.
N Korea rejects nuclear scrutiny
North Korea has rejected a call by the International Atomic Energy Agency to open its nuclear weapons program to inspections.
Send in the S & M Inspectors.
US court ruling won't help Hicks
Lawyers for an American man accused of plotting to set off a bomb containing nuclear material have won the right to meet their client.
NSW enacts anti-terror measures
New South Wales police will soon be able to search people, vehicles and properties with less hindrance when there is a terrorist threat or attack.
This allows for suburb wide sweeps and the Police Minister is clinically insane.
Qld warns Howard to respect new powers
The Queensland Government has passed legislation referring some state power to the Commonwealth to ensure people responsible for terrorist acts can be prosecuted under federal laws.
This state banned street marchers for years.
Internet crazies running rampant.

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