Every now and then a true story comes along that is so gruesome, that illuminates a snippet of humanity so monstrous even the most titillating newspapers barely touch it. But such stories still hold a macabre, irresistible fascination, which is why two books have just been published about one of the most nauseating murders in Australian history.

In February 2000, the tough Hunter Valley coalmining town of Aberdeen was rocked by the cannibalistic homicide that is the subject of Beyond Bad: The Life And Crimes Of Katherine Knight, Australia's Hannibal, by Sandra Lee, and Blood Stain, by Peter Lalor.

Abattoir worker Katherine Knight stabbed her de facto John Price 37 times, expertly skinned him, hung his pelt on a hook, cooked him with vegetables and gravy, boiled his head in a pot for soup and served his cooked flesh as a meal for two of his children.

The murder of popular, hard-working "Pricey" was violent enough - drops of his blood were sprayed from his bedroom to his front door as he tried to escape. But it was what Knight did afterwards that transformed her into the monster of our wildest imaginings.

What drove this unremarkable, red-haired, bespectacled
44-year-old mother of four, who did needlepoint, to perform such a grotesque ritual is the mystery both books try to solve.

Knight, who today is in Mulawa Women's Correctional Centre awaiting an appeal on her life sentence, has never spoken about what she did that hot night two years ago.

She did not give evidence in court and claimed in her police interview to have lost her memory.

The authors, both Sydney journalists (and former colleagues of mine), have pieced together Knight's motivation from forensic psychiatrists, police, courtroom testimony and, perhaps most tellingly, from the accounts of dozens of friends and relatives.

But both have reached quite different conclusions.

"She was hell-bent on exacting revenge," says Lee, "because she thought he was ending the relationship. It wasn't enough to kill him. She had to defile his body, sully his memory. She wanted to annihilate him. She was sending a message about who had power, who had control, and she was saying to his kids, this is your lasting memory of your father."

Lalor attributes Knight's borderline personality disorder to the "awful feedback loop of abuse".

"What happened to John Price is the end result of that cycle of abuse."

Lee disagrees. "People want to find an excuse, because they don't want to believe a woman could commit an act this violent, this depraved. They want to blame PMT or battered wife syndrome or post-natal depression, or something. But she wasn't mad and three psychiatrists said that in court. She was a perfectly functioning person who raised four children. Sometimes people choose to do bad things because they can and because it serves their purpose."

Watching Knight in the Maitland Courthouse last October, Lalor could only marvel at "how on Earth this woman could have done that incredibly grotesque act to another human being. She had raised four children, owned her own home, had a job, owned a car ... She didn't have horns growing out of her head, which you wanted because you don't want someone who looked so normal. You want them to put a face mask on."

American criminal profiler Robert Keppler told former foreign correspondent Lee he had never seen a case "so far up the continuum of psychopathological behaviour ... You have gone through the elements of voyeurism ... of enjoying torture before death ... of enjoying torture after death; you have got consumption, the cannibalism ... total necrophiliac behaviours."

If the human mind does indeed need stories of monsters to represent the darkness within, as Carl Jung believed, then the tale of Katherine Knight certainly fits the bill.

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