DISCONNECTED Workers in Ozarow Poland have been rioting against the closure of their telephone cable factory. They rejected the measly payoff they were offered, and instead started a 219 day occupation of the factory which ended abruptly two weeks ago when several buses of security guards violently evicted the protesters. There's been mass solidarity with the workers and small groups of anarchists from around Poland have joined them in helping with blockades around the factory and organising various ambushes on trucks leaving the site. As one Polish anarchist said, "As soon as we started harassing security guards in a more organised way, they started living in a state of permanent siege, hiding inside the factory behind barricades they built to be protected from us. All day and night black bloc, workers, and small group of local hooligans attacked them. Lots of workers were amazed by our way of fighting." This pressure has triggered new negotiations, but across Poland the number of strikes are growing because of worsening economic conditions. "ERM." On Monday morning, protestors from Rising Tide, who campaign for climate change justice, performed an environmental and social impact assessment of the London office of Environmental Resource Management (ERM), with some barricading themselves in the directors office and hanging out a banner 'Oil is War.' ERM has been carrying out research work for oil giant BP on the proposed 1,770-km pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan through Georgia to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey. ERM's role is to greenwash the whole project-it plays a crucial role in convincing public funders to give financial backing to the scheme. www.ermconcerns.com Meanwhile, last week in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, a group of people paid a friendly visit to the office of the Georgian International Oil Company, one of BP's partners in the pipeline project. The protest came in response to the Georgian Government's decision to issue permission for construction of the pipeline by November 30th. The decision violates Georgian environmental legislation, as it allows the pipeline to pass through protected areas and water sanctuary zones in the sensitive Borjomi Gorge. The decision, the Government says, was made to meet the project timeline and thus fulfil BP's requirements. Rising Tide network 01865 241097, www.risingtide.org.uk. INSIDE SchNEWS The five animal rights activists who were facing jail sentences for "conspiracy to hold a protest" at the Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt Kennels (see last week's SchNEWS) have all escaped prison sentences. Instead, thanks to the judge reading last week's SchNEWS of course, they were sentenced to do community service of between 200 and 240 hours, plus court costs. In a further blow for the Hunt, a protester had his conviction for Harassment overturned. The judge ruled that the charge was an abuse of the Protection from Harassment Act (originally introduced to prevent stalking of women). He cited a case in the High Court where it was ruled that the Act should not be used to prevent political protest. www.shoreham-protester.org.uk .AND FINALLY. Some passionate Sydney activists puckered up for a mass game of "Spin the Bottle" outside the New South Wales State Parliament last month and managed to tally up a smouldering 154 kisses between them. Apart from giving themselves severely chapped lips, they were protesting against the confiscation of the Spin The Bottle Bloc's six-foot papier mache bottle at the anti- World Trade Organisation demos which took place in Sydney last month. The confiscation of the bottle was "justified" by the Sydney police because they believed protestors were planning a violent confrontation, as proved by the Spin the Bottle Bloc's own communication, which read, "We invite you to join us for the most militant game of spin the bottle ever attempted - turning up the heat until every kiss becomes a molotov." The police, who obviously don't know much about the power of love or the classic teenage party game, have refused to return the bottle, though they obviously won't have much use for it themselves http://sydney.indymedia.org Disclaimer SchNEWS warns all right on readers we print the right stuff not out right lies. In our right old carry on there's no rights left out despite writers cramp. Honest.
Rash of Cell phone cheats in Japan and au.What happens when the phones get smaller still? Paging Dr Shieffer...Dr Sidney Sheiffer...

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