On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 02:15  PM, jet wrote:

At 12:08 -0800 2002/12/06, Tim May wrote:

If you don't wish to be telephoned, keep your number secret.
One word: "wardialing".

Three words: "screen your calls" (as many of us already do).

Many of us have at least two phone numbers: one that is widely accessible, published even. Another that is private, often a cellphone. In my 6 years of using a cellphone, whose number I do not give out to many, I have only gotten two spam calls that I know of: both were from a hotel company that I gave my cellphone number to when I was traveling. I told them the first time not to call me again, that this would make me less likely to use their hotel. The second time I yelled. That was more than a year ago and my cellphone has remained blissfully spamfree.

Between Caller ID screening, answering machine screening, use of cellphones, and hanging up immediately, telephone spam should not be a problem requiring government solution...especially as the language of the First Amendment is so strong.

Technological solutions are preferable over statist solutions (which don't usually even work, as the statists write the rules and exempt themselves and their friends).

--Tim May
"The Constitution is a radical document...it is the job of the government to rein in people's rights." --President William J. Clinton

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