I don't want to harp on this but the conjunction of several recent events throws a bright glare on certain cypherpunk obscenities.
Declan lauds Dick Armey...whoops,Ol Dicko goes back and votes for the Forth Reich.
So much for the young libertarians.
Tim May gets a brain fart about the forth and second ammendment's.
Almost immediately adds his usual caveat that private P.I.Gs on private land changes everything.He will assume the position for them.
The usual Aryan Rant."pay no attention to that hot tub behind the curtain.'
Declan retails Mongo the Drongo's stale rancidity wholesale as only a shill for CATO could.
Trent Lott places racist jackboot in mouth while Mongo cracks us up with some curt saxon ebonics.(probably lifted from Hustler,Tim probably hasn't got any since before the last George Bush was purchased.
So in less than a week,two corrupt right wing demagogues are exposed as empty flapping crow food,did I say which two?
Well two out of four aint bad.

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