At 11:07 PM 12/28/2002 -0800, Tim May wrote:

>This is silly. Rather than show that Hanssen had
>any particular erotic reaction to part of the 
>NSA presentation, it is vastly more likely that
>it shows that anyone under constant surveillance
>will at some point do something, perhaps out of
>boredom, out of daydreaming, which surveillers
>will note with prurient interest.

Yes, this is presumably why 20/20 included the
item in the show, as well as the NSA buzzword.

The young FBI snitch was bouncing with glee at
being on national TV -- after leaving the FBI
he's studying to be a media-eroticized lawyer.

Better to highlight sexual proclivities of
enemies of the state, domestic or global, than 
investigate and disclose why they succeed in violating piss-poor national
security -- 
or so the 20/20s market.

Sexual scandal trumps all, but isn't this the
West Coast marketing image shallowness against
East Coast faux Euro-depth. Euros and their
faux deep thinkers love the western for its 
bountiful romantic escapism from subtlety.

Horses, guns, right and wrong, winners and
losers, the USA v. the World. Simple-minded 
erotic pleasures, silliness writ larger than
the wee woeful penis. Hanssen is us, or at
least those who harbor dreams of conquest.

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