Michael Cardenas wrote:
> But what if this data is used as part of a larger picture, such as in
> TIA. It definitely can be used, along with gas purchases, to track
> where a suspect, aka a citizen, is living.  Also, many possible
> weapons such as perscription drugs, box cutters, and kitchen knives
> can be purchased at a grocery store, which combined with case data
> could be useful in framing, aka finding, the suspect.

Slightly different subject - One item I can confirm they do geological area purchase 
profiling is with credit cards. These are of course tightly linked with real identity.

One day I was traveling outside my home city and had taken out a large amount of cash 
before my trip and paid with cash for all purchases in between my home city and the 
destination. Well, I ran out of cash faster than expected and was unfamiliar with 
where to find a bank for more. In need of gasoline I purchased with my credit card.

Well, upon checking my voicemail I discover a call from the credit issuer who had 
detected "possible fraudulent activity" and would automatically deactivate my account 
unless I call back to confirm  within 24 hours. Not only that, but the voice was 
pre-recorded making me suspect the entire system is automated.

A consumer friendly application in my case, but it certainly confirms the quoted 
speculation (though not loyalty card).


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