It is a pleasure writing you for the first time while hoping that this mail does not reach you as a surprise. I am watunda Anthonia, branch manager of Eko Banque du Benin, Cotonu branch. I have a confidential business proposal for you.


On June 6, 1997. an American oil consultant/ contractor with shell oil corporation here in Cotonu, Mr Mathias Kelly made a numbered time (fixed) deport for twelve calendar months valued at us $950.000.00 in my branch on maturity, I sent a routine  notification to his forwarded address but  got no  reply .After one month I sent a reminder and finally, I discovered from his contract died as a result of the September  11th terrorist attack on the  united states. On further investigation, I found our that he died without making  a will. All the American govern! ment  to trace his next of kin were fruitless.


I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr Kelly did not declare any next of kin or relations in all his official documents including his deposit paper work in my bank. The total sum of U.S. $950,000.00  is still in my bank as dormant account . No one will ever come forward to claim it .According to Republic du Benin banking law, after five years, the money will revert to the  ownership of the Beninoise government if the account owner is certified dead and nobody comes forward to claim it.


This is the situation, and my proposal is that I am looking  for a foreigner  who will stand in as the beneficiary/next of kin to Mr Mathias Kelly. A bank account abroad will facilitate the transfer of this money to the beneficiary /next of kin. This is simple . all you have to do is to immediately send me the details  of a bank account anywhere in the world for me to arrange the proper money transfer paperwork. All the paperwork for the transaction will be done by me using my position and connection in the bank here. I shall obtain all necessary documents including the will, from a competent legal practitioner for the transfer. This transaction is guaranteed.


Please observe utmost confidentiality, destroy this mail if your not interested .


I am awaiting your urgent reply.

Best regards.



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