Okay I forgot,army intelligence is an oxymoron...lookie here arschloch...

·       To: ·   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
·       Subject: Marc de Piolenc needs killing.
·       From: Matthew X <·      [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
·       Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 00:19:26 +1100
·       Sender: ·       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well as a cypherpunk who believes in killing and free markets he shouldn't
mind to much donating his body to APster science now should he?
Besides as a 49 yo he is running low on hormones,has probably stacked on a
few pounds and is getting more grumpy and forgetful daily,(like Mong for
the last 10 years)
Think of this as a mercy killing,'in house,' quick,clean and the perfect
beta.(my 2yodels)
So long Marc,its been real. Don't worry about a replacement...theres a
million libertarian,multi-lingual fascist assholes out there;we'll have you
replaced,NO Cloned in no time.Alfriederzane you freak.
Perhaps it needs to be asked again: why is an informal association often
much more valuable than one which is treaty-based? Why can moral grass
roots sanctions often be more persuasive than mandatory resolutions?
Here is our chance to start the new year right with mass murder OS as
cover,lets roll.

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