The email "TWO anarcho-syndicalist COMRADES IN CHINA FACE DEATHPENALTY", refereing about two chinese union leader, come from the french Labor Party (Parti des Travailleurs), known as the "lambertist" group, from the name of its gourou Pierre Roussel aka LAMBERT. This is a TROTSKIST sect, and one of the more violent against anarchist. In France, they are well known for their violence against any of their opponent. They are specialized into infiltrating anarchist movement, trying to "pick" in our movements new people, and especially young ones. One of their most famous so-called anarchosyndicalist, Alexandre hébert, is famous as the "[fake] anarchist Kim il Sung" : Alexandre hébert has been the leader of the South britanny Regional union Force Ouvriere, and naturally it is is soon who suceeded to on the throne ! (Alexandre has been finaly more or less expelled from the Parti des Travailleurs when his relationship with far right and lme Pen has been too visible ...) The french anarchist movement had and has yet a lot to suffer from the practice of confusion of tose people. (another exemple of their all-spectrum entrism : they also have been famous because lionel Jospin, former french Prime Minister was one of their "puppet" inside the Socialist Party, but the infiltrated puppet went farer than the "pupet master" Lambert and took its independance from him !) Now, if those people in China are suffering repression, of course, solidarity is needed. But i am not sure that it is a good idea to spread on a info the idea that the Parti des Travailleurs / EIT / Open World Conference in Defense of Trade Union Independence & Democratic Rights/ ... is an anarchosyndicalist organization or can have good feeling toward us ... Lucie (CNT AIT member, France)

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