On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, blah wrote:

> >'instantaneously' from -whose- perspective?
>   From anyone's perspective.

Not from the photons perspective, from a photons perspective there is -no-
time. It is clear from Relativity that as -anything- approaches the speed
of light it's mass grows larger (photons have -no- rest mass so 0 can't
get any bigger than 0) and time -slows to zero-.

> A signal carries information.
> You can't use quantum mechanics to propagate a signal faster than light.

Then explain two entangled photons and how they behave.

> If you think otherwise, allow me to refer you to the last chapter in
> "Quantum Mechanics", L. Schiff, where you will find the commutation
> relations for electromagnetic fields.

I'm familiar with it, however that is taken from the perspective of the
external observer, not the photon. Now, do the math -from the perspective
of a the photons-.

Let me ask you again:

- How big is the cosmos to a photon?

- How does time pass to a photon?

> > Only so long as there are -not- relativistic effects, which -do- happen
> > -any- time a photon is involved.
>   Don't be ridiculous. Relativistic quantum mechanics is not even a new
> discipline.

I am -not- saying that it is -new-. I -am- saying that QM and Relativity
have -not- been -completely combined- and that until that happens we won't
and can't understand what is going on.

In particular I -am- saying that there is a fundamental error being made
in experiments like the 2-slit and Entangled Photons, that error is that
only -one- perspective is being looked at, the non-relativistic
perspective of the mechanism, and that the -relativiistic perspective of
the photon is being completely ignored-. You are throwing information away
-a priori-. That to understand these results the experimenter -must- look
at the perspective of all participants in the experiment, especially those
who experience relativistic effects. And a photon is -always-
relativistic. Reality is -observer dependent-, the mechanism observes the
photon, the photon observes the mechanism. They are -not- in the same
time-space frame. The mechanism behaves in its classical time-space frame
and the photon behaves in its relativistic time-spacef frame (the only one
it has, excepting slowing effects in BEC's).

It's no small wonder the results make little sense.


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