Title: OYP listing
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Dear Site Owner

A visitor to one of our 50+ "topical" portal sites recommended your site for inclusion in the OnlyYellowPages.

We are writing to ask your confirmation and/or permission to include your site free of charge in the OnlyYellowPages directory

The OnlyYellowPages directory covers over 200,000 locations in 260 countries and currently listing over 16 Million records...

To confirm your Free listing click here and enter the details you would like in your searchable listing

We receive hundreds of recommendations like this every day, but have found that not everyone welcomes the exposure that comes with being promoted on the world's largest Business Directory, so unlike many other search engines and directories we do NOT list sites that wish to remain private.

If you ignore this mail your free listing will not be included and we will not contact you again.

You may also block any future recommendations by clicking "Not Interested".

Thank you for your kind assistance in this matter,

The Team at



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