Mohammed El-Qorchi
How does this informal funds transfer system work, and should it be


Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, public
interest in informal systems of transferring money around the world,
particularly the hawala system, has increased. The reason is the hawala
system's alleged role in financing illegal and terrorist activities, along
with its traditional role of transferring money between individuals and
families, often in different countries. Against this background, governments
and international bodies have tried to develop a better understanding of
these systems, assess their economic and regulatory implications, and design
the most appropriate approach for dealing with them.

Informal funds transfer (IFT) systems are in use in many regions for
transferring funds, both domestically and internationally. The hawala system
is one of the IFT systems that exist under different names in various
regions of the world. It is important, however, to distinguish the hawala
system from the term hawala, which means "transfer" or "wire" in Arabic
banking jargon. The hawala system refers to an informal channel for
transferring funds from one location to another through service
providers-known as hawaladars-regardless of the nature of the transaction
and the countries involved. While hawala transactions are mostly initiated
by emigrant workers living in a developed country, the hawala system can
also be used to send funds from a developing country, even though the
purpose of the funds transfer is usually different (see box).

How does the system work?

An initial transaction can be a remittance from a customer (CA) from country
A, or a payment arising from some prior obligation, to another customer (CB)
in country B. A hawaladar from country A (HA) receives funds in one currency
from CA and, in return, gives CA a code for authentication purposes. He then
instructs his country B correspondent (HB) to deliver an equivalent amount
in the local currency to a designated beneficiary (CB), who needs to
disclose the code to receive the funds. HA can be remunerated by charging a
fee or through an exchange rate spread. After the remittance, HA has a
liability to HB, and the settlement of their positions is made by various
means, either financial or goods and services. Their positions can also be
transferred to other intermediaries, who can assume and consolidate the
initial positions and settle at wholesale or multilateral levels.

The settlement of the liability position of HA vis-a-vis HB that was created
by the initial transaction can be done through imports of goods or "reverse
hawala." A reverse hawala transaction is often used for investment purposes
or to cover travel, medical, or education expenses from a developing
country. In a country subject to foreign exchange and capital controls, a
customer (XB) interested in transferring funds abroad for, in this case,
university tuition fees, provides local currency to HB and requests that the
equivalent amount be made available to the customer's son (XA) in another
country (A). Customers are not aware if the transaction they initiate is a
hawala or a reverse hawala transaction. HB may use HA directly if funds are
needed by XB in country A or indirectly by asking him to use another
correspondent in another country, where funds are expected to be delivered.
A reverse hawala transaction does not necessarily imply that the settlement
transaction has to involve the same hawaladars; it could involve other
hawaladars and be tied to a different transaction. Therefore, it can be
simple or complex. Furthermore, the settlement can also take place through
import transactions. For instance, HA would settle his debt by financing
exports to country B, where HB could be the importer or an intermediary.

Why hawala developed

In earlier times, IFT systems were used for trade financing. They were
created because of the dangers of traveling with gold and other forms of
payment on routes beset with bandits. Local systems were widely used in
China and other parts of East Asia and continue to be in use there. They go
under various names-Fei-Ch'ien (China), Padala (Philippines), Hundi (India),
Hui Kuan (Hong Kong), and Phei Kwan (Thailand). The hawala (or hundi) system
now enjoys widespread use but is historically associated with South Asia and
the Middle East. At present, its primary users are members of expatriate
communities who migrated to Europe, the Persian Gulf region, and North
America and send remittances to their relatives on the Indian subcontinent,
East Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. These emigrant workers
have reinvigorated the system's role and importance. While hawala is used
for the legitimate transfer of funds, its anonymity and minimal
documentation have also made it vulnerable to abuse by individuals and
groups transferring funds to finance illegal activities.

Economic and cultural factors explain the attractiveness of the hawala
system. It is less expensive, swifter, more reliable, more convenient, and
less bureaucratic than the formal financial sector. Hawaldars charge fees or
sometimes use the exchange rate spread to generate income. The fees charged
by hawaladars on the transfer of funds are lower than those charged by banks
and other remitting companies, thanks mainly to minimal overhead expenses
and the absence of regulatory costs to the hawaladars, who often operate
other small businesses. To encourage foreign exchange transfers through
their system, hawaladars sometimes exempt expatriates from paying fees. In
contrast, they reportedly charge higher fees to those who use the system to
avoid exchange, capital, or administrative controls. These higher fees often
cover all the expenses of the hawaladars.

The system is swifter than formal financial transfer systems partly because
of the lack of bureaucracy and the simplicity of its operating mechanism;
instructions are given to correspondents by phone, facsimile, or e-mail; and
funds are often delivered door to door within 24 hours by a correspondent
who has quick access to villages even in remote areas. The minimal
documentation and accounting requirements, the simple management, and the
lack of bureaucratic procedures help reduce the time needed for transfer

In addition to economic factors, kinship, ethnic ties, and personal
relations between hawaladars and expatriate workers make this system
convenient and easy to use. The flexible hours and proximity of hawaladars
are appreciated by expatriate communities. To accommodate their clients,
hawaladars may instruct their counterparts to deliver funds to beneficiaries
before expatriate workers make payments. Moreover, cultural considerations
encourage expatriate workers to remit funds through the hawala system, and
such considerations also apply to family members in the home country. Many
expatriate communities are exclusively male, because wives and other family
members remain in the home country, where family traditions prevail. These
traditions may require family members, especially women, to maintain minimal
contacts with the outside world. A trusted hawaladar, known in the village
and aware of the social codes, would be an acceptable intermediary,
protecting women from having direct dealings with banks and other agents.
Thus, a system based on national, ethnic, and village solidarity depends
more on absolute trust between the participants than on legal documents.

On the receiving side, repressive financial policies and inefficient banking
institutions, which have often lacked interest in the remittance business,
have contributed to the development of IFT systems. In addition to overly
restrictive economic policies, unstable political situations have offered
fertile ground for the development of the hawala and other informal systems.
Most IFT systems have prospered in areas characterized by unsophisticated
official systems and during times of instability. They continue to develop
in regions where financial development has been slow or repressed. Overall,
financial development tends to check the spread of informal fund transfer
systems, even though they exist in financially mature countries as well.

Economic implications

Despite its informality, the hawala system has direct and indirect
macroeconomic implications-for financial activity as well as for fiscal
performance. One aspect is its potential impact on the monetary accounts of
countries on either end of the hawala transaction. Because these
transactions are not reflected in official statistics, the remittance of
funds from one country to another is not recorded as an increase in the
recipient country's foreign assets or in the remitting country's
liabilities, unlike funds transferred through the formal sector. As a
consequence, value changes hands, but broad money is unaltered. However,
hawala transactions may affect the composition of broad money in a recipient
country. In the remittance business, such transactions are conducted mainly
in cash, even though hawaladars may use the banking system for other
purposes. Individuals from developing countries who transfer funds abroad
through the hawala system for investment or other purposes are usually
members of wealthy groups. They supply local hawaladars with cash by making
withdrawals from their bank accounts. As a consequence, hawala-type
transactions tend to increase the amount of cash in circulation.
Furthermore, IFT systems have fiscal implications for both remitting and
receiving countries because no direct or indirect tax is paid on hawala
transactions. The negative impact on government revenue applies equally to
both legitimate and illegitimate activities that involve the hawala system.

Hawala transactions cannot be reliably quantified because records are
virtually inaccessible, especially for statistical or balance of payments
purposes. This holds true for both the remitting and, especially, the
receiving sides of the transactions. Hawala transactions from developing
countries are sometimes driven by capital flight motivations; they may also
be driven by a desire to circumvent exchange control regulations and the
like, leaving no traceable records. Nevertheless, the authorities of some
countries have sporadically made estimates of hawala activity based on their
expatriate populations and balance of payments data. In any case, all crude
estimates should take into account both hawala and reverse hawala
transactions (see box) as well as transactions driven by illicit activities.
Although it would be impossible to provide a precise figure, the amounts
involved in hawala transactions are likely to entail billions of dollars.

Difficulties for regulators

There is also a consensus that, in the wake of heightened international
efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, more should be
done to keep an eye on IFT systems to avoid their misuse by illicit groups.
Policymakers believe that the potential anonymity afforded by these systems
presents risks of money laundering and terrorist financing that need to be
addressed. Yet selecting the appropriate regulatory and supervisory response
requires a realistic and practical assessment and an understanding of the
specific country environment in which the IFT dealers operate.

Regulation of IFT systems in various jurisdictions will be a complex
endeavor. The variety of legal systems and economic circumstances across
countries make a uniform approach technically and legally impractical. In a
number of countries, the hawala system is prohibited. Any attempt to
regulate this system in these countries would, therefore, be at odds with
existing laws and regulations and would be seen as legitimizing parallel
foreign exchange operations and capital flight.

Where IFT regulations are conceivable, there is agreement that
overregulation and coercive measures will not be effective because they
might push IFT businesses, including legitimate ones, further underground.
The purpose of any approach is not to eliminate these systems but to avoid
their misuse. Against this background, policymakers tend to favor two
options, which are already in force in some countries: registration or
licensing of IFT systems.

While these measures could deter illegal activities, they will not, in
isolation, succeed in reducing the attractiveness of the hawala system. As a
matter of fact, as long as there are reasons for people to prefer such
systems, they will continue to exist and even expand. If the formal banking
sector intends to compete with the informal remittance business, it should
focus on improving the quality of its service and reducing the fees charged.
Therefore, a longer-term and sustained effort should be aimed at modernizing
and liberalizing the formal financial sector, with a view to addressing its
inefficiencies and weaknesses.


Mohammed El-Qorchi is a Senior Economist in the IMF's Monetary and Exchange
Affairs Department.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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