1. Professionals... it's here...  a Funny Picture

2. BAD BULL!... it's here ... a CRAZY Video clip

3. By request.. A MAGIC trick...it's here ... a Funny Picture

4. Free copy of your credit report... it's here - get yours today

5. You do Drugs?... it's here...an interesting article about drugs

Everyday (edited)
I am Vicky (age 23), he is Greg (age 28), she is Jasmine (age 20), I am his wife, she is my friend, he is her boyfriend, his name is Greg, he is my husband, I just had a baby, she is pregnant, due in February, we all live in the same building, but in separate condos, we spend most of the time at his place, sometimes he sleeps at my place, we all get along most of the time.. life is good. We work at home, Joel works hard, he is the other half of the business. It's great weather, we all love living in Miami Beach. 

The last couple days (by Vicky) 
Hello from  Hollywood... Me and Greg left Saturday. The fly so was long, we stop  at Las Vegas to change planes .Las Vegas look from the plane like a peace of gold.. I tried this gambling machines...I play only with 2 dollars. and I lost. We arrive in LA early  in the morning. The Hotel is nice here, the people were very friendly. We was for a walk on Rodeo drive. What a shops WOW, too bad we don't have money for shopping...plus its very expensive, we bought a sweaters though. We rent a Jeep and we drive around Hollywood and Beverly Hills, we got lost 2 times, that was fun. Jasmine is doing fine. She is home, her family visit her. She call us few times, Greg said she sound in a good spirits. Greg's cousin Andre is now here from Jamaica, he will be our new assistant, Greg had to fire our previous assistant about 3 weeks ago, he had a drug problem. Andre is a very nice person.. I think he will be a very good assistant... We just got our tickets to the American Music Awards, after the awards we are going to the private party of Dick Clark. I don't know who is he, but Greg says he is very important person in the entertaining  busyness, and one of the reasons we are here. I cant wait to make the next newsletter.:)

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