Another victory against HLS! -- Urgent action needed to maintain pressure!

From the open publishing newswire: An amazing turn of events have unfolded over the last 24 hours. On Monday morning HLS press released that vivisection guru Kirby Lee Cramer and university professor John Caldwell resigned themselves from Huntingdon's board of directors. This public abandonment leaves Huntingdon with a huge gaping wound, as these two individuals were all that gave the board its scientific and business credibility.

These are the two main directors animal rights activists have been targeting in the UK and the US. Kirby Lee Cramer has had his home address and phone number widely published, and the other companies he sits on the boards of have been under attack (weakening his position there.) This summer, as SHAC announced this new area of activism, an ultimatum was given to Kirby to choose between being welcome at all the other companies he sits on the boards of, or just stick with Huntingdon. Mr. Cramer choose wisely.

The loss of these two individuals is the clearest indication yet that even those within Huntingdon admit it is a dying enterprise. They have chosen not to go down with the ship.

As if this wasn't bad enough -


Mr. Muhammed Faruque is a 73 year-old business man from Karachi, Pakistan. He runs a family company that makes cement, sugar, and paper products. He has nothing to do with the pharmaceutical industry, and is reported to be making no financial investment in the lab.

It also has been reported that he has a great deal of trepidation about joining the board concerning the animal rights threat he may face.

Sounds like he needs some convincing!


011-92-21-568 3566 -7 (His private secretary)




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