Hello comrades,
After a series of summits all around Europe, the EU bosses come to visit their partners in Greece and make decisions for us - without us. We announce that they will find us on their every step in our cities. We gonna be present wherever they go, and we gonna be by the side of the workers and the common people who resist in any possible way to the brutal capitalist globalisation.
Because of that, some of the anti-authoritarians and anarchists (both groups and individuals) in Greece decided to create the "Anti-authoritarian Movement Salonika 2003" in order to organise our resistance against the plans of the local and global bosses.
The first unofficial summit in Greece is taking place in the city of Nafplion at 24/01 and the subject of the summit is going to be about the working conditions and unemployment. We gonna be there to protest our opposition to the modern conditions of slavery.
Our website is www.resistance2003.gr , and the first information is in Greek and Spanish (there's gonna be English and German soon). For contact and more infos email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We wish to listen opinions and suggestions from anyone interested in coming to Greece for the anti-summits.
health and anarchy Antiauthoritarian Movement Salonika 2003

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