On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 10:01:35AM -0600, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
> Baloney.  The terrorists have made it pretty clear what their gripe with 
> the U.S. Government is, and it has nothing to do with trade, the 
> American lifestyle, or the elusive freedoms that Americans supposedly 
> enjoy.  It has everything to do with US troops stationed in nearly every 
> country in the world (specifically, Saudi Arabia), meddling in Middle 

Yes, we know that. Bin Laden's three points (from pre-911 interviews)
were U.S. out of Arabia, end of military aid to Israel, and end of
military sequestration of Iraq.

Our continued pursuit of those goals gives bin Laden excellent PR ammo
against the West, especially the U.S.

But it is folly to think that those three items are the radical
Islamic fundamentalists only "gripe" with the U.S. MTV, VH1,
McDonalds, Disney, and the Internet -- yep, those are all destablizing
influence. They know it, and hate it, and might even bomb us for it.

Don't fall for the PR.


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