Earth First! National Organizers' Conference 2003 February 14-17, 2003
WHY YOU SHOULD COME Got the Winter blahs? Come on down to the 2003 Organizers' Conference and Winter Rendezvous near warm and wild Santa Cruz, California, on February 14-17. There will be exciting discussions centered around movement building and strategy, as well as time set aside for skills sharing and fireside fun. Join with other like minded people in building a stronger Earth centered movement. If you live far away pool resources and sent one representative from your local group or bioregion. We need to hear what's going on in your neck of the movement!
The focus of this year's conference will be "Safety and Effectiveness." We will focus on direct action safety as well as the strategy and skills our movement needs to be more effective. With the recent, tragic deaths of two treesitters, Horehound and Naya, the importance of proper training will be stressed. Experienced trainers will be onsite to review training techniques, nonviolence tactics and movement building skills.
It is no secret that the organizing committee, Santa Cruz EF!, has been dealt heavy blows this year, including Naya's death and the devastation at Ramsey Gulch. Despite this, and because of this, we welcome the opportunity to invite folks from different regions and struggles around the world to our home to discuss many of the important issues facing our movement in these troubled times.
THE FUTURE OF THE ECOLOGY MOVEMENT Things are stirring as resistance to American empire Inc. is picking up. Dangers and opportunities abound! Join us to strategize about magnifying earth-centered resistance and building an effective ecology movement. What issues do you think the Earth First!ers and other earth centered radicals should be discussing?
Send your ideas for strategy sessions, group discussion and future planning to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OUR CAMP Home to some of the oldest, grandest and tallest trees, a land of deserts and the Pacific Ocean coast, California is remarkable in its diversity. We will be camping at Arroyo Seco, just east of the Ventana Wilderness. There are trails for hiking, and the brave can swim or raft in the Arroyo Seco River. The daytime temperatures may get into the 70s with overnight lows down to slightly below freezing. We will be in a US Forest Service campground, so water and toilet facilities will be available. The group campsite can hold 50 people (with a 10 car limit), and there will be additional campsites with 10 people per site (three cars maximum), a short walk away.
GRUB, FIRE AND FUN We are working to set up a community kitchen but be prepared to cook your own food in the event that doesn't work out. You should also be prepared to keep your food safe from local critters, including the occasional black bear. The Warrior Poets Society's annual "Night to Howl" will be on February 16. Poets, singers, musicians, rabble-rousers and ranters are invited to share their work. Please bring dry firewood so we can have warm nights around the campfire. Don't bring weapons, drugs, unruly pets or bad attitudes. There will be rangers driving around the camp area, so behave yourself or keep well out of sight.
THINGS WE NEED! We are still looking for some things to pull off this conference. If you can provide them please let us know as soon as possible. The main things we need are more tarps and tents, $ and climbing gear. We also need you to spread the word and bring your friends! Whether its rustling up some of those old EF!ers who haven't been so active recently or roping in some promising new folks - RECRUIT! The Earth needs more defenders!
DIRECTIONS From San Francisco: Take Highway 101 south to Arroyo Seco Road, just south of Soledad. Go southwest until you come to the campground and find the group camping area. From southern California: Take Highway 101 north to Greenfield, then take G16 west to the campground.
CONTACT INFO For more information, rail-hopping directions or ride coordination, contact EF! OC 2003, POB 344, Santa Cruz, CA 95061; (831) 425-3205; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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