On 28 Jan 2003 at 20:54, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Yo! Anyone out there in codeville know if the following is
> possible?
> I'd like to be able digitally "shake hands" using a Palm
> Pilot. Is this possible?
> What I mean is, Let's say some disgruntled and generic
> crypto-kook (let's call him, say,...'Tyler Durden') has been
> signing his (tiring) cyber-missives with a public key.
> And now let's say there's some guy at a party claiming to be
> that very same Tyler Durden, but you're not so sure (this
> real-life Tyler Durden is WAY too much of an obvious
> chick-magnet to be the same guy that posts on the Internet).
> BUT, you happen to have your Palm Pilot(TM), and so does he.
> So you both both engage the little hand-shaking app on your
> PP (using Tyler Durden's public key) and there's
> verification. Yep. Same dude. (You then procede to prostrate
> yourself before this obvious godlet, stating "I'm not worthy,
> Sire".)

This can be done without a palm pilot.

Normally the flesh and blood Tyler Durden would reveal
knowledge of information sent encrypted to the net Tyler
Durden, or vice versa.

         James A. Donald

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