At 8:48 AM -0600 1/30/03, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 12:41:17AM -0800, Bill Frantz wrote:
>> At 12:04 AM -0800 1/30/03, Tim May wrote:
>> >Sometime I take a bus when my car needs to be repaired. From my house
>> >to Santa Cruz, a total of 13 miles, it takes a minimum of 80 minutes by
>> >bus. For a working person, ... as soon as
>> >they can raise the money, they buy cars. Then that 80-minute each way
>> >trip drops to 20 minutes. And they can go when they wish, not when the
>> >bus schedule permits.
> > I have had one case where taking the train was a big win over driving. 
>   Exactly. Trains are great. I currently live 80 miles from both Milwaukee and

I recently had to travel from San Diego to San Francisco.
I investigated three options (all times are door to door)
        1) Flying - about 4 hours - $95 round trip.
        2) Driving - about 8 hours - $60 round trip
        3) Train - about 17 hours - $130 round trip.

Help me out here - why would I take the train?
-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Idio Software   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey! Who messed with my anti-paranoia shot?

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