Title: 1008-011

Fact - Aggressive new Company sets sales record on the Internet by doing $50 Million in sales in one month.

Fact - Company expands to over 170 companies Worldwide in less than 8-months.

Your Benefits:

For a registration and product fee of $199 you will receive $12,500.
Can you sell eight people at $199? If you can you will receive the $12,500.

For a registration and product fee of $667 you will receive the $37,566.
Can you sell two people at $667? If you can you will receive the $37,566.

You can work anytime and anywhere.

Where can you get a better commission structure?

Yes, I'm Taking This Chance!
Great! We have two ways to get you going:

1) Go to our website (Click Here )

2) Call us at (212) 990-2300 - Pin 7854# at following times:

Monday - Thursday 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 7:30 PM
Saturday 11 AM 2 PM
Pacific Standard Time Please call only at the times listed.

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