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   Dud queries swamp US Internet Root servers
   By Joe Baptista
   Posted: 05/02/2003 at 09:47 GMT

   Broken queries are swamping US Internet servers with unnecessary
   traffic. A detailed analysis of 152 million messages received on Oct.
   4, 2002 by one of the root servers in California showed that only 2
   per cent of the queries were legitimate.

   The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) at
   the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) which conducted the research
   is trying to understand why the roots get so many broken queries from
   Internet service providers.

   DNS root servers provide a critical service to Internet users by
   mapping text host names to numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
   The 13 roots are operated by a mix of volunteers and U.S. government
   agencies. The U.S. Department of Commerce is the agency responsible
   for managing the root system which serves most Internet users.

   "If the system were functioning properly, it seems that a single
   source should need to send no more than 1,000 or so queries to a root
   name server in a 24-hour period," said CAIDA researcher Duane Wessels.
   "Yet we see millions of broken queries from certain sources."

   CAIDA researchers speculate that 70 per cent of the bad requests are
   due to misconfigured packet filters, firewalls, or other security
   mechanisms intended to restrict network traffic. Twelve per cent of
   the illegitimate traffic however could not be explained and was for
   nonexistent top-level domains, such as ".elvis", ".corp" and

   .elvis is alive and well and living in an Alternative Root Universe

   CAIDAs results are no surprise to Bradley Thornton, a root server
   operator at PacificRoot and director of the Top Level Domain
   Association, an organization of domain operators. He operates the
   .corp alternative TLD for the business community.

   The "localhost" queries are to be expected, he says. A computer can
   have many names - but all computers use "localhost" on the Internet as
   the host name of the local loopback interface. "The localhost naming
   convention is an Internet standard and the localhost errors represent
   misconfigured DNS settings at the user or ISP level, he says. The rest
   of the "nonexistent" illegitimate traffic is a vote of confidence in
   the "inclusive namespace" (i.e. alternative TLDs) which Thornton
   helped pioneer.

   "There may only be one Internet," explains Thornton, "but we now have
   many namespaces and thats confusing the legacy root system." Top-level
   domains in the U.S. roots include country codes such as ".uk" for
   England, ".ca" for Canada, or ".us" for the United States, as well as
   generic domains such as ".com", ".net", and ".edu". There are some 300
   top level domains in the US root but inclusive namespace has over
   10,000 listed.

   Thornton thinks that inclusive namespace user activity is the cause of
   much of the rogue traffic. "Anytime one of our users publishes a URL
   from our namespace or any namespace in email or via the web that link
   becomes available to potentially millions of U.S. root users. When
   those users clicks one of our URLs a query is generated."

   This explains the dud traffic discovered by CAIDA, he says. In the
   inclusive namespace universe ".corp" is a busy top level domain and
   Thornton speculates that ".elvis" is alive and well and living in some
   unknown root system heaven.

   According to KC Claffy, a resident research scientist at CAIDA,
   traffic originating from the inclusive namespace system is likely part
   of the results. But Wessels, the project leader, emphasized there was
   not much evidence of alternative (inclusive namespace) TLDs in the
   data collected.

   Thornton disagrees: "the data clearly shows were having an effect." A
   TLD only needs an average of 10,000 hits in the root to show
   significant activity based on the CAIDA data of 3 million legitimate
   queries for 300 listed TLDs, he argues.

   "CAIDA reports that .corp got 51,000 queries and that's very
   significant evidence, he says. ®

   Joe Baptista is involved in the running of, the "official
   domain registry for web addresses ending in .god and .satan".

Joe Baptista - only at www.baptista.god

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